
Package "libreoffice"

Name: libreoffice


office productivity suite (metapackage)

Latest version: *DELETED*
Release: jammy (22.04)
Level: proposed
Repository: universe
Homepage: http://www.libreoffice.org


Download "libreoffice"

Other versions of "libreoffice" in Jammy

Repository Area Version
base universe 1:7.3.2-0ubuntu2
base main 1:7.3.2-0ubuntu2
security main 1:7.3.7-0ubuntu0.22.04.9
security universe 1:7.3.7-0ubuntu0.22.04.9
updates universe 1:7.3.7-0ubuntu0.22.04.9
updates main 1:7.3.7-0ubuntu0.22.04.9
backports main 4:24.8.5-0ubuntu0.24.10.1~bpo22.04.1
backports universe 4:24.8.5-0ubuntu0.24.10.1~bpo22.04.1
PPA: LibreOffice 4:24.8.5~rc2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1~lo1

Packages in group

Deleted packages are displayed in grey.


Version: 1:7.3.6-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 2022-09-09 00:07:12 UTC

  libreoffice (1:7.3.6-0ubuntu0.22.04.1) jammy; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release (LP: #1988744)

  [ Rico Tzschichholz ]
  * Bump yaru source to "2022-08-15"
  * debian/patches/tdf-108560-horribly-slow-to-paste-many-lines-into-ed.patch:
    - Calc very slow to open/save documents with large cell contents

  [ Rene Engelhard ]
  * debian/libreoffice-common.preinst.in,debian/rules,
    - Broken libreoffice trigger and /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions
      missing; libreoffice fails to start when last extension is removed
      (/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions being a 0-byte file)

 -- Rico Tzschichholz <email address hidden> Mon, 05 Sep 2022 16:18:50 +0200

1988744 [SRU] libreoffice 7.3.6 for jammy

Version: *DELETED* 2022-08-04 20:06:45 UTC
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 1:7.3.5-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 2022-07-22 01:08:16 UTC

  libreoffice (1:7.3.5-0ubuntu0.22.04.1) jammy; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release (LP: #1981966)

 -- Rico Tzschichholz <email address hidden> Sat, 16 Jul 2022 12:39:11 +0200

1981966 [SRU] libreoffice 7.3.5 for jammy

Version: *DELETED* 2022-07-05 21:46:49 UTC
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 1:7.3.4-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 2022-06-11 00:06:27 UTC

  libreoffice (1:7.3.4-0ubuntu0.22.04.1) jammy; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release (LP: #1977525)

 -- Rico Tzschichholz <email address hidden> Thu, 02 Jun 2022 07:47:06 +0200

1977525 [SRU] libreoffice 7.3.4 for jammy

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