
Package "postgresql-11-pg-stat-kcache"

This package belongs to a PPA: Postgresql

Name: postgresql-11-pg-stat-kcache


PostgreSQL extension to gather per-query kernel statistics.
Statistics gathered are reads and writes done out of the operating system
cache, user and system CPU usage, context switches and all the other
meaningful metrics returned by getrusage(2). All those counters are
aggregated per postgres role, database and normalized query identifier.

Latest version: 2.3.0-1.pgdg22.04+1
Release: jammy-pgdg
Level: base
Repository: main
Head package: pg-stat-kcache
Homepage: https://powa.readthedocs.io/


Download "postgresql-11-pg-stat-kcache"

Other versions of "postgresql-11-pg-stat-kcache" in Jammy-pgdg

Repository Area Version
PPA: Postgresql 2.1.1-2.pgdg14.04+2
PPA: Postgresql 2.3.0-1.pgdg20.04+1
PPA: Postgresql 2.2.0-1.pgdg16.04+1
PPA: Postgresql 2.2.1-2.pgdg18.04+1


Version: 2.2.1-1.pgdg22.04+1+b1 2022-09-08 14:08:19 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

Version: 2.2.1-1.pgdg22.04+1 2022-05-24 19:08:41 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

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