
Package "mintupload"

This package belongs to a PPA: Mint Main

Name: mintupload


Uploads files on the Internet
mintUpload allow you to upload files on the Internet.
This makes it easier to share or send big files which
would not fit in an email.

Latest version: 4.2.1
Release: wilma
Level: base
Repository: main


Download "mintupload"

Other versions of "mintupload" in Wilma

Repository Area Version
PPA: Mint Main 4.1.4
PPA: Mint Main 4.1.8
PPA: Mint Main 4.2.0
PPA: Mint Main 4.2.0
PPA: Mint Main 4.2.0
PPA: Mint Main 4.2.0
PPA: Mint Main 4.2.0


Version: 4.2.1 2024-07-29 21:02:01 UTC
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