
Package "glibc"

Name: glibc


This package is just an umbrella for a group of other packages, it has no description.
Description samples from packages in group:

  • GNU C Library: sources
  • GNU C Library: Development tools
  • GNU C Library: Precompiled locale data
  • GNU C Library: Name Service Cache Daemon

Latest version: 2.40-1ubuntu3.1
Release: oracular (24.10)
Level: updates
Repository: universe


Other versions of "glibc" in Oracular

Repository Area Version
base universe 2.40-1ubuntu3
base main 2.40-1ubuntu3
security main 2.40-1ubuntu3.1
security universe 2.40-1ubuntu3.1
updates main 2.40-1ubuntu3.1

Packages in group

Deleted packages are displayed in grey.


Version: 2.40-1ubuntu3.1 2025-02-06 19:07:24 UTC

  glibc (2.40-1ubuntu3.1) oracular-security; urgency=medium

  * SECURITY UPDATE: Buffer overflow in the assert function.
    - debian/patches/any/CVE-2025-0395.patch: Change total to ALIGN_UP
      calculation and include libc-pointer-arith.h in assert/assert.c and
    - CVE-2025-0395

 -- Hlib Korzhynskyy <email address hidden> Mon, 27 Jan 2025 15:10:33 -0330

CVE-2025-0395 When the assert() function in the GNU C Library versions 2.13 to 2.40 fails, it does not allocate enough space for the assertion failure message stri

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