
Package "ssh-import-id"

Name: ssh-import-id


securely retrieve an SSH public key and install it locally

Latest version: 5.11-0ubuntu2.24.04.1
Release: noble (24.04)
Level: updates
Repository: main
Homepage: http://launchpad.net/ssh-import-id


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Other versions of "ssh-import-id" in Noble

Repository Area Version
base main 5.11-0ubuntu2


Version: 5.11-0ubuntu2.24.04.1 2024-12-18 23:06:50 UTC

  ssh-import-id (5.11-0ubuntu2.24.04.1) noble; urgency=medium

  * Ensure ssh-import-id (the binary package) depends on python3-launchpadlib.
    This fixes a crash where ssh-import-id would raise a ModuleNotFoundError
    exception if python3-launchpadlib is not installed. (LP: #2085898).

 -- Olivier Gayot <email address hidden> Wed, 30 Oct 2024 10:19:01 +0100

2085898 [SRU] ssh-import-id fails if python3-launchpadlib is not installed

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