
Package "postgresql-server-dev-all"

Name: postgresql-server-dev-all


extension build tool for multiple PostgreSQL versions

Latest version: 190ubuntu0.1
Release: bionic (18.04)
Level: security
Repository: universe
Head package: postgresql-common


Download "postgresql-server-dev-all"

Other versions of "postgresql-server-dev-all" in Bionic

Repository Area Version
base universe 190
updates universe 190ubuntu0.1
PPA: Postgresql 274.pgdg20.04+1
PPA: Postgresql 274.pgdg22.04+1
PPA: Postgresql 168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1
PPA: Postgresql 182.pgdg12.4+1
PPA: Postgresql 201.pgdg14.04+1
PPA: Postgresql 226.pgdg16.04+1
PPA: Postgresql 250.pgdg18.04+1


Version: 190ubuntu0.1 2019-11-14 20:07:16 UTC

  postgresql-common (190ubuntu0.1) bionic-security; urgency=medium

  * SECURITY UPDATE: Privilege Escalation via Arbitrary Directory Creation
    - pg_ctlcluster: Drop privileges before creating socket and stats temp
      directories outside /var/run/postgresql. The default configuration is
      not affected by this change. Users with directories on volatile
      storage (tmpfs) in other locations have to make sure the parent
      directory is writable for the cluster owner.
    - Thanks to Rich Mirch and Christoph Berg.
    - CVE-2019-3466

 -- Marc Deslauriers <email address hidden> Wed, 13 Nov 2019 10:21:57 -0500

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