
Package "update-manager"

Name: update-manager


GNOME application that manages apt updates

Latest version: 1:
Release: bionic (18.04)
Level: updates
Repository: main


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Other versions of "update-manager" in Bionic

Repository Area Version
base main 1:18.04.11

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Deleted packages are displayed in grey.


Version: 1: 2019-04-15 21:06:34 UTC

  update-manager (1: bionic; urgency=medium

  * UpdateManager/Core/utils.py: when testing to see if a url is downloadable
    support https in addition to http and ftp. (LP: #1823410)

 -- Brian Murray <email address hidden> Tue, 09 Apr 2019 16:03:46 -0700

Source diff to previous version
1823410 utils.py's url_downloadable doesn't support https

Version: 1: 2019-01-31 10:06:53 UTC

  update-manager (1: bionic; urgency=medium

  * UpdateManager/Core/MetaRelease.py: set prompt in MetaReleaseCore so that
    do-release-upgrade can provide more informative error messages.
    (LP: #1798618, LP: #1795024)

 -- Brian Murray <email address hidden> Mon, 14 Jan 2019 13:40:08 -0800

Source diff to previous version
1798618 confusing error message with 'do-release-upgrade -d' and Prompt=lts
1795024 setting release-upgrades Prompt to never can cause confusing behavior

Version: 1: 2018-12-11 18:07:20 UTC

  update-manager (1: bionic; urgency=medium

  * Do not show the livepatch reminder if update-manager is running
    on a distribution without software-properties-gtk. (LP: #1805118)

Source diff to previous version
1805118 /usr/bin/update-manager:AttributeError:\u003clambda\u003e:on_livepatch_status_ready

Version: 1: 2018-11-20 18:06:56 UTC

  update-manager (1: bionic; urgency=medium

  * Add a reminder to enable Livepatch (LP: #1787553).
  * Build-Depends on python3-distro-info.

 -- Andrea Azzarone <email address hidden> Fri, 07 Sep 2018 10:41:28 +0200

Source diff to previous version
1787553 Add a reminder to enable Livepatch

Version: 1: 2018-10-22 16:06:38 UTC

  update-manager (1: bionic; urgency=medium

  * Keep or delete packages after looping over all of them.
    This prevents the resolver from changing the packages in the loop resulting
    in not keeping some phased packages back from being upgraded. (LP: #1072136)
  * Stop lazy import of InstallBackends.
    Lazy imports made update-manager crash when an update-manager
    update changed the backend API and an updated incompatible backend
    was loaded to the not updated running update-manager process. (LP: #1795898)
  * Cancel transaction on exit only when Cancel button is active.
    Also ignore exception when cancellation fails. (LP: #1790670)

 -- Balint Reczey <email address hidden> Thu, 04 Oct 2018 21:33:57 +0200

1072136 [FFe] After doing updates, update manager propose to install an empty list of updates
1795898 TypeError: _action_done() got an unexpected keyword argument 'trans_failed'
1790670 /usr/bin/update-manager:aptdaemon.errors.AptDaemonError(org.debian.apt):_convert_dbus_exception:cancel:__call__:call_blocking:_on_clicked:_deferable:

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