
Package "atom"

This package belongs to a PPA: Atom Webupd8

Name: atom


Atom text editor from GitHub

Latest version: 1.26.1-1~webupd8~0
Release: bionic (18.04)
Level: base
Repository: main


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Other versions of "atom" in Bionic

Repository Area Version
PPA: Atom 1.60.0


Version: 1.26.1-1~webupd8~0 2018-04-27 16:09:29 UTC

 atom (1.26.1-1~webupd8~0) xenial; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release
   * Build with clang because using gcc fails to build Atom in
     Ubuntu 14.04 starting with this version
   * The Metrics and Exception Reporting packages are no longer
     disabled at build time (and thus, are now enabled in this
     package) because Atom can't be built without them any more

Source diff to previous version

Version: 1.24.1-1~webupd8~0 2018-04-26 06:55:44 UTC

 atom (1.24.1-1~webupd8~0) xenial; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release
   * Build with clang because using gcc fails to build Atom in
     Ubuntu 14.04 starting with this version
   * The Metrics and Exception Reporting packages are no longer
     disabled at build time (and thus, are now enabled in this
     package) because Atom can't be built without them any more

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