
Bugs fixes in "junit4"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
CVE CVE-2020-15250 In JUnit4 from version 4.7 and before 4.13.1, the test rule TemporaryFolder contains a local information disclosure vulnerability. On Unix like syste 2021-02-10
CVE CVE-2020-15250 In JUnit4 from version 4.7 and before 4.13.1, the test rule TemporaryFolder contains a local information disclosure vulnerability. On Unix like syste 2021-02-10
CVE CVE-2020-15250 In JUnit4 from version 4.7 and before 4.13.1, the test rule TemporaryFolder contains a local information disclosure vulnerability. On Unix like syste 2021-02-10
CVE CVE-2020-15250 In JUnit4 from version 4.7 and before 4.13.1, the test rule TemporaryFolder contains a local information disclosure vulnerability. On Unix like syste 2021-02-10
CVE CVE-2020-15250 In JUnit4 from version 4.7 and before 4.13.1, the test rule TemporaryFolder contains a local information disclosure vulnerability. On Unix like syste 2021-02-10
CVE CVE-2020-15250 In JUnit4 from version 4.7 and before 4.13.1, the test rule TemporaryFolder contains a local information disclosure vulnerability. On Unix like syste 2021-02-10

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