
Bugs fixes in "byobu"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1555446 byobu-select-session should exec on last line 2016-04-08
Launchpad 1564320 Tries to fetch EC2 metadata outside EC2 on xenial 2016-04-08
Launchpad 1311919 [SRU] pressing F5 throws errors about windows.tmux missing 2014-08-05
Launchpad 1274720 [SRU] screen server process can be crashed by byobu 2014-08-05
Launchpad 1311919 [SRU] pressing F5 throws errors about windows.tmux missing 2014-04-24
Launchpad 1274720 [SRU] screen server process can be crashed by byobu 2014-04-24
Launchpad 1299964 make Ubuntu logo more Ubuntu-y 2014-03-31
Launchpad 1299964 make Ubuntu logo more Ubuntu-y 2014-03-31
Launchpad 1294139 Shift-F11 hotkey is redundant, could do better 2014-03-18
Launchpad 1294139 Shift-F11 hotkey is redundant, could do better 2014-03-18
Launchpad 1289157 a shell terminated at startup time when using wrapper script 2014-03-17
Launchpad 1248901 Byobu (+screen) crashes when 1-character tall 2014-03-17
Launchpad 1259621 Byobu's PS1 should mark the root user 2014-03-17
Launchpad 814172 \u003cF5\u003e keybinding doesnt work 2014-03-17
Launchpad 1278277 byobu-layout save not work on tmux v1.8 2014-03-17
Launchpad 1279533 \ 2014-03-17
Launchpad 1292228 Support arguments to byobu-launch and pass them to byobu-launcher 2014-03-17
Launchpad 1278016 use /etc/os-release for distribution information 2014-03-17
Launchpad 1289157 a shell terminated at startup time when using wrapper script 2014-03-17
Launchpad 1248901 Byobu (+screen) crashes when 1-character tall 2014-03-17

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