
Package "google-osconfig-agent"

Name: google-osconfig-agent


Google OS Config Agent

Latest version: 20250115.01-0ubuntu1~20.04.0
Release: focal (20.04)
Level: proposed
Repository: universe
Homepage: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/osconfig


Download "google-osconfig-agent"

Other versions of "google-osconfig-agent" in Focal

Repository Area Version
security universe 20240320.00-0ubuntu1~20.04.1
updates universe 20240926.03-0ubuntu1~20.04.0


Version: 20250115.01-0ubuntu1~20.04.0 2025-02-14 16:06:57 UTC

  google-osconfig-agent (20250115.01-0ubuntu1~20.04.0) focal; urgency=medium

  * No change rebuild for Focal Fossa.

Version: *DELETED* 2025-01-30 22:06:52 UTC
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 20240926.03-0ubuntu1~20.04.0 2024-11-21 21:06:50 UTC

  google-osconfig-agent (20240926.03-0ubuntu1~20.04.0) focal; urgency=medium

  * No change rebuild for Focal.

Version: *DELETED* 2024-08-31 18:06:58 UTC
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 20240524.03-0ubuntu2~20.04.0 2024-08-09 10:07:06 UTC

  google-osconfig-agent (20240524.03-0ubuntu2~20.04.0) focal; urgency=medium

  * Rebuild for Focal.
    - Add `export GOTOOLCHAIN='local'` to d/rules.
    - Revert addition of the

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