
Package "rust-lldb"

This package belongs to a PPA: Ubuntu Mozilla Security

Name: rust-lldb


Rust debugger (lldb)

Latest version: 1.70.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo2-0ubuntu0.20.04
Release: focal (20.04)
Level: base
Repository: main
Head package: rustc


Download "rust-lldb"

Other versions of "rust-lldb" in Focal

Repository Area Version
base universe 1.41.0+dfsg1+llvm-0ubuntu2
security universe 1.75.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04
updates universe 1.75.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04


Version: 1.70.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo2-0ubuntu0.20.04 2023-11-17 14:11:57 UTC

 rustc (1.70.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo2-0ubuntu0.20.04) focal; urgency=medium
   * Backport to Jammy (LP: #2027639)
     - d/patches: Remove libgit2 system patches
     - Use bundled LLVM 16
     - d/p/ubuntu-backport-disable-newer-tests.patch: disable tests that
       can't pass on older series
     - Downgrade debhelper requirements and adapt the build files to
       older debhelper standards

Source diff to previous version
2027639 Upgrade Rust to 1.70.0

Version: 1.69.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04 2023-11-17 01:09:13 UTC

 rustc (1.69.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04) focal; urgency=medium
   * Backport to Focal (LP: #2025691)
     - Re-enable vendored LLVM 15
     - d/p/ubuntu-use-system-profiler-rt.patch: remove the patch since we are
       using bundled LLVM
     - d/control: add libssl-dev for Cargo
     - d/copyright: Add a short copyright stanza for the embedded llvm
     - d/control, d/rules: Downgrade debhelper requirements

Source diff to previous version
2025691 Upgrade Rust to 1.69.0

Version: 1.68.2+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04 2023-11-16 14:10:55 UTC

 rustc (1.68.2+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04) focal; urgency=medium
   * Backport to Focal (LP: #2025179)
     - d/control: Use older Cargo version scheme for Lunar and below for the
     unified source package transition
     - d/control: remove libclang-rt-15-dev from B-D
     - d/control: Remove the need of dh-cargo
     - Re-enable libgit2 vendoring:
       - d/control: remove libgit2-dev and libhttp-parser-dev from B-D
     - Re-enable LLVM vendoring

Source diff to previous version
2025179 Upgrade Rust to 1.68.2

Version: 1.67.1+dfsg0ubuntu1~llvm-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 2023-11-16 05:11:19 UTC

 rustc (1.67.1+dfsg0ubuntu1~llvm-0ubuntu0.20.04.2) focal; urgency=medium
   [ Zixing Liu ]
   * Backport Rust 1.67.1 to Focal (LP: #2007642)
     - d/control: relax LLVM 15 version constraint
     - d/control: remove dh-cargo from B-D, the version in Focal is too old
     - d/control: remove libclang-rt-15-dev from B-D, it did not exist in
       Focal series
   * d/p/ubuntu-use-system-profiler-rt.patch: remove the patch because we are
     using the bundled LLVM libraries and runtimes
   [ Simon Chopin ]
   * Update the vendored LLVM 15 to the latest bugfix release to fix ppc64el
   * Cherry-pick upstream patch to fix FTBFS on ppc64el and arm64

Source diff to previous version
2007642 Upgrade Rust to 1.67.1

Version: 1.66.1+dfsg0ubuntu1~llvm-0ubuntu0.20.04 2023-06-29 01:12:42 UTC

 rustc (1.66.1+dfsg0ubuntu1~llvm-0ubuntu0.20.04) focal; urgency=medium
   [ Zixing Liu ]
   * Backport Rust 1.66.1 to Focal (LP: #2005122)
   * d/p/ubuntu-use-system-profiler-rt.patch: remove the patch because we are
     using the bundled LLVM libraries and runtimes
   [ Simon Chopin ]
   * Update the vendored LLVM 15 to the latest bugfix release to fix ppc64el
   * Cherry-pick upstream patch to fix FTBFS on ppc64el and arm64

2005122 Upgrade Rust to 1.66.1

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