
Package "opera-developer"

This package belongs to a PPA: Opera

Name: opera-developer


Fast, secure, easy-to-use web browser
Opera is a fast, secure, and user-friendly web browser.
It includes a built-in ad blocker, Video pop-out, and free VPN.

Latest version: 119.0.5482.0
Release: stable
Level: base
Repository: non-free
Homepage: http://www.opera.com/browser/


Download "opera-developer"

Other versions of "opera-developer" in Stable

No other version of this package is available in the Stable release.


Version: 114.0.5267.0 2024-08-23 10:09:13 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

Version: 114.0.5265.0 2024-08-22 14:26:11 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

Version: 114.0.5263.0 2024-08-20 08:10:00 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

Version: 114.0.5249.0 2024-08-05 13:08:53 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

Version: 114.0.5244.0 2024-07-31 09:11:16 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

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