
Package "onboard-common"

This package belongs to a PPA: Mint Upstream

Name: onboard-common


Simple On-screen Keyboard (common files)
On-screen Keyboard with macros, easy layout creation and word suggestion.

This package ships the architecture independent files of the onboard
on-screen keyboard.

Latest version: 1.4.1-3linuxmint1
Release: ulyssa
Level: base
Repository: upstream
Head package: onboard
Homepage: https://launchpad.net/onboard


Download "onboard-common"

Other versions of "onboard-common" in Ulyssa

Repository Area Version
base universe 1.4.1-9
PPA: Mint Upstream 1.4.1+mint4+wilma
PPA: Mint Upstream 1.4.1-2ubuntu1mint2
PPA: Mint Upstream 1.4.1-2ubuntu1mint3
PPA: Mint Upstream 1.4.1-3linuxmint1
PPA: Mint Upstream 1.4.1-3linuxmint1
PPA: Mint Upstream 1.4.1+mint2+vanessa
PPA: Mint Upstream 1.4.1+mint2+vanessa
PPA: Mint Upstream 1.4.1+mint4+wilma


Version: 1.4.1-3linuxmint1 2021-01-08 23:01:44 UTC
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