
Package "libspooles2.2"

Name: libspooles2.2


SPOOLES SParse Object Oriented Linear Equations Solver shared library

Latest version: 2.2-9
Release: precise (12.04)
Level: base
Repository: universe
Head package: spooles
Homepage: http://www.netlib.org/linalg/spooles/


Download "libspooles2.2"

Other versions of "libspooles2.2" in Precise

No other version of this package is available in the Precise release.


Version: *DELETED* 2012-03-06 11:33:24 UTC
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 2.2-9 2011-12-26 21:03:45 UTC

spooles (2.2-9) unstable; urgency=low

  * Rebuild against new mpi-defaults (closes: #652309).
  * Added build-arch target to debian/rules.
  * Bumped Standards-Version.
  * Added lintian overrides for uploader's name.

 -- "Adam C. Powell, IV" Thu, 15 Dec 2011 20:19:02 -0500

652309 Rebuild with mpi-defaults >= 1.0 - Debian Bug report logs

Version: *DELETED* 2011-12-18 14:48:52 UTC
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

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