
Package "ltsp-server"

Name: ltsp-server


Basic LTSP server environment

Latest version: 5.3.7-0ubuntu2
Release: precise (12.04)
Level: base
Repository: main
Head package: ltsp
Homepage: http://www.ltsp.org


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Other versions of "ltsp-server" in Precise

Repository Area Version
updates main 5.3.7-0ubuntu2.8


Version: 5.3.6-0ubuntu1 2012-03-22 21:07:01 UTC

ltsp (5.3.6-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low

  * New upstream bugfix release (5.3.6).
    - Simplify fat chroot autodetection
    - Blacklist Xsession.desktop in fat chroot autodetection
    - ltsp-update-kernels: only create yaboot symlinks if not otherwise present,
      making it possible to configure a custom yaboot environment
    - replace dpkg-query with dpkg to fix script and installs ldm-ubuntu-theme
    - fix fat desktops and ldm themes selection
    - select the correct LDM theme for fat chroots too

 -- Stéphane Graber Thu, 22 Mar 2012 15:26:42 -0400

Source diff to previous version

Version: 5.3.5-0ubuntu1 2012-03-09 20:03:38 UTC

ltsp (5.3.5-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low

  * New upstream bugfix release (5.3.5)
    - Avoid running update-motd.d on Ubuntu
    - Drop sound volume code from ltsp-core as it's been in udev
      for a while now.
    - Disable some more unnecessary cronjobs
    - Turn off cron, dbus and some other services when < 128MB of RAM
    - Update screen sessions launching to save the openvt RAM
    - Delete functions that were moved to init-ltsp.d/
    - Use /usr/share/xsessions to autodetect fat chroots
    - Plymouth is sometimes using vt7, use openvt -f (force)
    - Only remove old kernels for valid chroots.
  * New upstream bugfix release (5.3.4)
    - Only listing changes to the Ubuntu/Common code since 5.3.2
    - Update lsb headers of ltsp-core
    - Drop all references to usplash
    - Drop ltsp-setup completely (no longer used)
    - Avoid overwriting jetpipe's DEVICE variable.
    - Make sure we set LANGUAGE properly.
    - Move some ltsp-init-common functions to init-ltsp.d scripts
    - Move 50-mtab from common to Ubuntu, symlink to Debian
    - Remove init-ltsp.d/*/50-localdev, which shouldn't be needed any longer
  * Replace sysvinit script by upstart script from upstream, making sure
    it always starts at the right time.
  * Add missing nbd-disconnect script (required for clean shutdown)

 -- Stéphane Graber Fri, 09 Mar 2012 13:03:30 -0500

Source diff to previous version

Version: 5.3.2-0ubuntu3 2012-03-01 22:03:49 UTC

ltsp (5.3.2-0ubuntu3) precise; urgency=low

  * ltsp-live:
    - Add translation of .desktop file
    - Refresh translation template
    - Update french translations

 -- Stéphane Graber Thu, 01 Mar 2012 10:36:41 -0500

Source diff to previous version

Version: 5.3.2-0ubuntu2 2012-02-27 22:03:42 UTC

ltsp (5.3.2-0ubuntu2) precise; urgency=low

  * ltsp-live: Don't crash when no network interface is available.
    (LP: #936939)
  * ltsp-live: Update for LTSP 5.3, use NBD named mounts instead of the
    old nbd-server on port 2000, also install ldm-server and start inetd.
    This is all required to get a clean LTSP 5.3 boot instead of getting
    stuck in the initrd.

 -- Stéphane Graber Mon, 27 Feb 2012 14:38:05 -0500

Source diff to previous version

Version: 5.3.2-0ubuntu1 2012-02-23 21:03:20 UTC

ltsp (5.3.2-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low

  [ Stéphane Graber ]
  * New upstream release (5.3.1)
    - A lot of Debian specific fixes (code path not used by Ubuntu)
    - Ensure /sys and /proc are always mounted when calling init-ltsp
    - Issue a message when ltsp-update-image is disabled
    - Ensure that lts.conf ends up in /etc
    - Only overwrite lts.conf if it has non-zero size
    - Only download tftp from $NBD_ROOT_HOST if it is defined
    - ltsp_config: delete the cache files on boot
    - Start ltsp-client-core only when an LTSP boot was requested
    - set_lts_var: remove old values from the cache file
    - Don't hardcode squashfs as the FSTYPE (LP: #696435)
    - ltsp-build-client: copy /etc/default/keyboard if it exists
  * New upstream release (5.3.2)
    - Use consistently (instead of sometimes having .254)
    - Append to ltsp_config, don't overwrite it.
    - Rearrange init-ltsp.d scripts to set SERVER in more cases.
    - Remove I10-sound as it seems very deprecated.
    - Set sound volume on fat clients too (LP: #923923)
    - Disconnect NBD mounts when the ltsp-client service is stopped
    - Update xfreerdp script to handle the case where rdesktop or
      xfreerdp aren't there.
  * Replace dhcp3-server by isc-dhcp-server (package was renamed)
    (LP: #934014)
  * Setup a clean /etc/nbd-server/config if not already present
  * Use everywhere by default. (LP: #390155)
  * Improvements to debian/ltsp-client-builder.postinst:
    - Wait for ltsp-update-image to actually exit. (LP: #813837)
    - Fix outdated check for universe (was looking for karmic ...)

  [ Alkis Georgopoulos ]
  * Drop mythbuntu debian/extra-plugins hook as it's now covered by the
    upstream fat client implementation and didn't work anyway.
  * Drop debian/ltsp-client-core.dirs as these are now created at boot
    time in ltsp-init.
  * Simplify debian/ltsp-client-core.install
  * LTSP 5.3 allows for ltsp-client-core to be installed on a regular
    machine, so there's no reason to prevent its installation.
    Drop ltsp-client-core.preinst and ltsp-client-core.templates and
    refresh the translations.
  * Drop nbdswapd from ltsp-server.postinst as that's now done in a
    named NBD export since LTSP 5.3.

 -- Stéphane Graber Thu, 23 Feb 2012 14:21:57 -0500

696435 wait-for-root fails to detect nbd root
923923 Arguments in ltsp-init-common and/or lts.conf related to sound isn't honored by fat clients. (LTSP-related)
934014 Recommends/Suggests: dhcp3-server to isc-dhcp-server
390155 Inconsistent server IP: 192.168.0.[1-or-254]
813837 ltsp client not able to load boot file: ltsp/amd64.tmp/pxelinux.0

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