
Package "checkbox-qt"

Name: checkbox-qt


QT4 interface for checkbox

Latest version: 0.13.7
Release: precise (12.04)
Level: base
Repository: main
Head package: checkbox


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updates main 0.13.10


Version: 0.13.7 2012-04-12 23:06:52 UTC

checkbox (0.13.7) precise; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (LP: #980063)

  * Automated translation file updates from Launchpad

  [Jeff Lane]
  * qt/checkbox-qt.ui, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp: Converted
    submissionWarningLabel and text to submissionUbuntuFriendlyLabel wtih
    instructional text for submitting results. This is a workaround for the
    bug causing the warning to be displayed at all times rather than only when
    testing is incomplete. (LP: #967457)
  * jobs/networking.txt.in: Removed dhclient call from networking/multi_nic
    tests because of a bug in dhclient that can cause it to hang when run on
    eth0. New test requirement will be that the tester must configure and
    bring up all ethernet devices prior to running checkbox. Also added a
    check to make sure we're not trying to run the test on a device that's not
    active. (LP: #926229)

  [Tiago Salem Herrmann]
  * checkbox_qt/qt_interface.py, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp,
    qt/frontend/qtfront.h: Do async calls to some ui methods and avoid
    unexpected dbus timeouts (LP: #962333)

  [Sylvain Pineau]
  * qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp: Submit/View results buttons are disabled until
    every selected test has been run (LP: #937715)

  [Daniel Manrique]
  * jobs/optical.txt.in: Change test descriptions to avoid confusing
    instruction to press the "Next" button (which is incorrect). (LP: #971181)
  * jobs/local.txt.in: Fixed touchpad local job which was using suspend.txt
    as the job source) (LP: #979344)
  * jobs/mediacards.txt.in: Added usb and scsi devices to
    removable_storage_test commands (LP: #979356)
 -- Daniel Manrique Wed, 11 Apr 2012 17:20:37 -0400

Source diff to previous version
980063 Candidate revision checkbox_0.13.7
967457 Ubuntu Friendly warning is wrong
926229 [network/multi_nic] test hangs on dhclient when run...
962333 [Checkbox Qt] Recover from previous session doesn't...
937715 [Checkbox Qt] Reporting results is not working if n...
971181 [UIFe] Interface asks about skipping tests that are...
979344 Checkbox suspend jobs show under the suspend suite,...
979356 media card storage tests only look at sdio devices

Version: 0.13.6 2012-04-04 09:06:56 UTC

checkbox (0.13.6) precise; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (LP: #971889)

  * Automated translation file updates from Launchpad

  [Marc Tardif]
  * Fixed string_to_type conversion in network_bandwidth_test (LP: #954587)

  [Daniel Manrique]
  * Internationalization support in checkbox-qt; updated checkbox.pot file
    (LP: #951054)

 -- Daniel Manrique Mon, 02 Apr 2012 15:22:05 -0400

Source diff to previous version
971889 Candidate revision checkbox_0.13.6
954587 [networking/bandwidth] script run error
951054 Most of the Checkbox UI is not translatable

Version: 0.13.5 2012-03-22 09:07:00 UTC

checkbox (0.13.5) precise; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (LP: #960633)

  * Automated translation file updates from Launchpad

  [Tiago Salem Herrmann]
  * qt/frontend/qtfront.ui: If the test text is too long, then it is cut off
    (LP: #950111)
  * checkbox_qt/qt_interface.py, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp,
    qt/frontend/qtfront.h, qt/frontend/qtfront.ui: add a popup comment box
    for each test under the "Run" tab. (LP: #959452)
  * checkbox/user_interface.py, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp,
    qt/frontend/qtfront.h, checkbox_qt/qt_interface.py: Set
    interface.direction to NEXT if all the tests were executed and the user
    either analyzed or submitted the results. (LP: #956329)
  * checkbox/user_interface.py, plugins/user_interface.py,
    qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp, qt/frontend/qtfront.h,
    checkbox_qt/qt_interface.py: Use the ui persistent storage to keep some ui
    configuration values. (LP: #937626)
  * checkbox/user_interface.py: Avoid using fork() + call() to run a web
    browser. Use Popen instead.(LP: #956307)
  * qt/frontend/qtfront.ui, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp, qt/frontend/qtfront.h:
    Removed welcome tab (LP: #957090)

  [Jeff Lane]
  * Reset default checkbox log level to INFO from DEBUG to make logs less
    confusing and verbose. (LP: #949745)
  * Removed dependency on bluetooth/detect-output on the
    suspend/suspend_advanced job. (LP: #955375)
  * jobs/mediacard.txt.in, scripts/removable_storage_test,
    scripts/removable_storage_watcher: Modified removable_storage_watcher and
    removable_storage_test to accept list of busses to watch to resolve
    problems on systems with MMC readers that present themselves as USB
    devices rather than SDIO (LP: #953160)
  * jobs/optical.txt.in: Fixed the job descriptions for optical/read and
    optical/cdrom-audio-playback to account for changes in Precise and make
    them less confusing (LP: #954606)

  [Marc Tardif]
  * Linted qt_interface which had a few syntax errors (LP: #949957)
  * plugins/apport_prompt.py: Fixed apport integration was producing a trace
    (LP: #959463)

  [Daniel Manrique]
  * Bumped revision number to 0.13.5 in trunk
  * jobs/keys.txt.in: Fix definition for keys/media-keys test which failed to
    run (LP: #954480)

  [Sylvain Pineau]
  * Show the UF invalidation warning if all test cases are unchecked from the
    right click menu (LP: #956757)
  * checkbox_qt/qt_interface.py, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp,
    qt/frontend/qtfront.h: Tests now select Yes on PASS status (LP: #954556)

 -- Daniel Manrique Tue, 20 Mar 2012 17:33:17 -0400

Source diff to previous version
960633 Candidate revision checkbox_0.13.5
950111 [Checkbox Qt] If the test text is too long, then it...
959452 [FFe] [UIFe] Checkbox Qt does not contain a comment...
956329 prompt-finish
937626 [Checkbox Qt] Don't show me the welcome screen in t...
956307 Using the View Report button causes Checkbox-qt to ...
957090 [UIFe] [Checkbox Qt] The welcome tab is confusing a...
949745 Checkbox shouldn't be running in debug mode by defa...
955375 suspend/suspend_advanced should not depend on bluet...
953160 mediacard/sd test doesn't complete
954606 [optical/*] Descriptions need to be updated to make...
949957 Syntax error in the qt_interface module
959463 Apport should prompt when failing a test during dev...
954480 keys/media_keys test doesn't run
956757 [Checkbox Qt] Deselecting all tests in the selectio...
954556 [checkbox-qt] test doesn't select Yes on pass

Version: 0.13.4 2012-03-09 13:05:45 UTC

checkbox (0.13.4) precise; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (LP: #949983)

  * Automated translation file updates from Launchpad

  [Brendan Donegan]
  * Added 'scsi' as a valid bus ID for determining product in udevadm.py
    (LP: #940249)
  * Added 'cciss' as a valid bus ID for determining product in udevadm.py
    (LP: #942548)
  * Updated command fields in composite disk jobs to address the ! in
    some disk paths (LP: #942769)
  * Updated create_connection to poll for registration of connection and
    then attempt to bring it up (LP: #944662)
  * Fixed command run by wireless_connection tests so that they fail if the
    internet_test fails, but still clean up the connection file (LP: #944176)
  * Fixed wireless_connection_open_* jobs to not provide security options
    (LP: #947163)

  [Javier Collado]
  * Added python-cairo as a dependency for checkbox-gtk (LP: #940163)

  [Marc Tardif]
  * Tidied up logic for determining DISK device product and vendor
    (LP: #942548)
  * Fixed filename matching expression for local jobs (LP: #942273)
  * Fixed duplicate System Testing applications after upgrade (LP: #940627)

  [Tim Chen]
  * Modifications to removable_storage_test to handle cases where removable
    media is not mounted prior to test running. (LP: #944623)

 -- Javier Collado Wed, 07 Mar 2012 19:46:29 +0100

Source diff to previous version

Version: 0.13.3 2012-02-24 00:05:16 UTC

checkbox (0.13.3) precise; urgency=low
  New upstream release (LP: #939549):

  [Brendan Donegan]
  * Typo in command for for miscellanea/virtualization-check (LP: #934243)
  * Resized test selection views in checkbox-qt (LP: #937113)

  [Daniel Manrique]
  * Use GObject from gi.repository instead of gobject (LP: #937099)
  * Disable flushing to disk after every file access during gathering phase for
    a significant speed boost. (LP: #939019)

  [Javier Collado]
  * Fixed running of disk/read_performance tests (LP: #933528)
  [Sylvain Pineau]
  * Fix depends fields in info and suspend test suites (LP: #934051)
  * Display results report in non-graphical interfaces (LP: #937657)

  [ Tiago Salem Herrmann ]
  * Remove auto generated qt resource file (LP: #938863)
  [Ara Pulido]
  * Fix the Ubuntu Friendly warning message (LP: #939448)

 -- Daniel Manrique Thu, 23 Feb 2012 11:56:50 -0500

939549 Candidate revision checkbox_0.13.3
934243 [virtualization-check] test errors out w/ command not found
937113 The selection of tests need to occupy most of the screen (Qt)
937099 View results is not working in Checkbox Qt
939019 "Gathering information about your system" still takes too long
933528 disk_read_performance not being run
934051 suspend and info test suites have some broken depends fields
937657 [FFe] Non graphical UIs don't display test results
938863 remove auto generated qt resource file from the source tree
939448 [Checkbox Qt] The warning message for Ubuntu Friendly is incorrect

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