
Package "ubuntu-snappy"

Name: ubuntu-snappy


transitional dummy package

Latest version: 2.67.1+24.10
Release: oracular (24.10)
Level: updates
Repository: universe
Head package: snapd
Homepage: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd


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Other versions of "ubuntu-snappy" in Oracular

Repository Area Version
base universe 2.65.3+24.10
proposed universe 2.67.1+24.10


Version: 2.67.1+24.10 2025-03-10 23:07:06 UTC

  snapd (2.67.1+24.10) oracular; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release, LP: #2089691
    - Fix apparmor permissions to allow snaps access to kernel modules
      and firmware on UC24, which also fixes the kernel-modules-control
      interface on UC24
    - AppArmor prompting (experimental): disallow /./ and /../ in path
    - LP: #2090938 Fix 'snap run' getent based user lookup in case of bad PATH
    - Fix snapd using the incorrect AppArmor version during undo of an
      refresh for regenerating snap profiles
    - Add new syscalls to base templates
    - hardware-observe interface: allow riscv_hwprobe syscall
    - mount-observe interface: allow listmount and statmount syscalls

Source diff to previous version
2089691 [SRU] 2.67.1
2090938 $SNAP_USER_COMMON empty when getent cannot be found in $PATH

Version: 2.66.1+24.10 2024-11-26 17:07:06 UTC

  snapd (2.66.1+24.10) oracular; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release, LP: #2083490
    - AppArmor prompting (experimental): Fix kernel prompting support
    - Allow kernel snaps to have content slots
    - Fix ignoring snaps in try mode when amending

2083490 [SRU] 2.66.1

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