
Package "snapd"

Name: snapd


This package is just an umbrella for a group of other packages, it has no description.
Description samples from packages in group:

  • snappy development go packages.
  • transitional dummy package
  • Transitional package for snapd
  • Transitional package for snapd-xdg-open

Latest version: 2.67.1+24.04
Release: noble (24.04)
Level: updates
Repository: universe


Other versions of "snapd" in Noble

Repository Area Version
base universe 2.62+24.04build1
base main 2.62+24.04build1
security main 2.63+24.04ubuntu0.1
security universe 2.63+24.04ubuntu0.1
updates main 2.67.1+24.04
proposed universe 2.67.1+24.04
proposed main 2.67.1+24.04

Packages in group

Deleted packages are displayed in grey.


Version: 2.63+24.04 2024-06-13 15:07:05 UTC

  snapd (2.63+24.04) noble; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release, LP: #2061179
    - Support for snap services to show the current status of user
      services (experimental)
    - Refresh app awareness: record snap-run-inhibit notice when
      starting app from snap that is busy with refresh (experimental)
    - Refresh app awareness: use warnings as fallback for desktop
      notifications (experimental)
    - Aspect based configuration: make request fields in the aspect-
      bundle's rules optional (experimental)
    - Aspect based configuration: make map keys conform to the same
      format as path sub-keys (experimental)
    - Aspect based configuration: make unset and set behaviour similar
      to configuration options (experimental)
    - Aspect based configuration: limit nesting level for setting value
    - Components: use symlinks to point active snap component revisions
    - Components: add model assertion support for components
    - Components: fix to ensure local component installation always gets
      a new revision number
    - Add basic support for a CIFS remote filesystem-based home
    - Add support for AppArmor profile kill mode to avoid snap-confine
    - Allow more than one interface to grant access to the same API
      endpoint or notice type
    - Allow all snapd service's control group processes to send systemd
      notifications to prevent warnings flooding the log
    - Enable not preseeded single boot install
    - Update secboot to handle new sbatlevel
    - Fix to not use cgroup for non-strict confined snaps (devmode,
    - Fix two race conditions relating to freedesktop notifications
    - Fix missing tunables in snap-update-ns AppArmor template
    - Fix rejection of snapd snap udev command line by older host snap-
    - Rework seccomp allow/deny list
    - Clean up files removed by gadgets
    - Remove non-viable boot chains to avoid secboot failure
    - posix_mq interface: add support for missing time64 mqueue syscalls
      mq_timedreceive_time64 and mq_timedsend_time64
    - password-manager-service interface: allow kwalletd version 6
    - kubernetes-support interface: allow SOCK_SEQPACKET sockets
    - system-observe interface: allow listing systemd units and their
    - opengl interface: enable use of nvidia container toolkit CDI
      config generation

 -- Ernest Lotter <email address hidden> Wed, 24 Apr 2024 02:00:39 +0200

2061179 [SRU] 2.63

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