
Package "software-properties"

Name: software-properties


This package is just an umbrella for a group of other packages, it has no description.
Description samples from packages in group:

  • manage the repositories that you install software from (Qt)

Latest version:
Release: noble (24.04)
Level: proposed
Repository: universe


Other versions of "software-properties" in Noble

Repository Area Version
base universe
base main 0.99.48
updates main
updates universe
proposed main

Packages in group

Deleted packages are displayed in grey.


Version: 2025-03-07 02:07:01 UTC

  software-properties ( noble; urgency=medium

  [ James Page ]
  * cloudarchive: Enable support for the Epoxy Ubuntu Cloud Archive on
    24.04 (LP: #2086844).

  [ Nathan Pratta Teodosio ]
  * Screen reader fixes
    - announce "APT line" in add dialog. (lp: #2098805)
    - announce token validity (lp: #2098812)
    - announce compliance and hardening expander. (lp: #2098807)
    - announce "Add APT Repository" for this dialog. (lp: #2098809)

  [ Sebastien Bacher ]
  * Updates: set labelled-by relation for the combo widgets (lp: #2091547)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden> Tue, 18 Feb 2025 22:26:10 +0100

2086844 [SRU] Enable support for Epoxy Cloud Archive
2098805 'Apt Line' entry is missing an accessibility label
2098812 'invalid token' not spoken by the screen reader
2098807 Compliance \u0026 Hardening title missing from screen reader
2098809 Add dialog missing a screen reader description
2091547 Updates - combo titles missing from the screen reader

Version: *DELETED* 2024-11-20 08:06:59 UTC
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 2024-08-15 12:07:10 UTC

  software-properties ( noble; urgency=medium

  [ James Page ]
  * cloudarchive: Enable support for the Dalmatian Ubuntu Cloud Archive on
    24.04 (LP: #2073742).

  [ Julian Andres Klode ]
  * Reload the source code state when reloading sources.list (LP: #2069433)

 -- Julian Andres Klode <email address hidden> Thu, 15 Aug 2024 09:26:12 +0100

Source diff to previous version
2073742 [SRU] Enable support for Dalmation Cloud Archive
2069433 Enabling new pockets does not enable deb-src for them, even if source code is enabled

Version: 0.99.49 2024-04-27 03:07:04 UTC

  software-properties (0.99.49) noble; urgency=medium

  * Add Qt frontend for deb822 sources, which is now the default in Noble
    (LP: #2061214).

 -- Simon Quigley <email address hidden> Mon, 22 Apr 2024 14:22:26 -0500

2061214 [SRU] Software Sources is not compatible with deb822

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