
Package "gnome-shell"

Name: gnome-shell


This package is just an umbrella for a group of other packages, it has no description.
Description samples from packages in group:

  • tool to enable / disable GNOME Shell extensions

Latest version: 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.6
Release: noble (24.04)
Level: updates
Repository: universe


Other versions of "gnome-shell" in Noble

Repository Area Version
base universe 46.0-0ubuntu5
base main 46.0-0ubuntu5
security universe 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.3
security main 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.3
updates main 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.6
proposed main 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.8
proposed universe 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.8

Packages in group

Deleted packages are displayed in grey.


Version: 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.6 2025-02-06 20:06:55 UTC

  gnome-shell (46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.6) noble; urgency=medium

  [ Nathan Pratta Teodosio ]
  * d/p/chromium-snap-pwa.patch: Fixes tab and dock grouping of progressive
    web applications for the Chromium snap (LP: #2007652).

  [ Robert Malz ]
  * d/p: Fix default service discovery.
    Fix an issue where authentication service was not
    properly picked due to incorrect checks in _isDiscreteServiceEnabled
    (LP: #2065432)
  * Add loginDialog-Don-t-assume-this._user-is-always-defined.patch.
    Cherry-pick for e5d9a0fe
    Fixes null dereference during login with smart cards. (LP: #2065432)

  [ Marco Trevisan (Treviño) ]
  * debian/gbp.conf: Use upstream/46.x branch
  * d/p: unlockDialog: Also center the time in 12h format (LP: #2084276)
  * d/p: Exclude override-redirect windows from workspace animation
    (LP: #2039543)
  * d/p: Use absolute tray icon position in root event coordinates
    (LP: #2059819)
  * d/p: Fix password not re-asked for TCRYPT devices (LP: #2084281)
  * d/p: Keep locate pointer animation when animations are disabled
    (LP: #2039801)
  * d/p: Fix keyboard navigation in AppFolderDialog (LP: #2042763)
  * d/p: Fix connection to WPA Enterprise networks from quick settings
    (LP: #2084286)
  * d/p: Add user permissions to new wifi connections if has no system ones
    (LP: #2084287)
  * d/p: gdm: Actually wait for pending messages being notified on failures
    (LP: #2084289)
  * d/p: Fix themed icons rendering in notifications (LP: #2084301)
  * d/p: Fix notifications not showing in the lockscreen (LP: #2084302)
  * d/p: Allow to set a custom ShellUserVerifier (LP: #2084306)
  * d/p: Fix toggling lockscreen view using Escape (LP: #2084308, #2072716)
  * d/p: Make active workspace above siblings (LP: #2084310)
  * d/p: notificationDaemon: Use correct property name to enable markup
    (LP: #2084293)

 -- Marco Trevisan (Treviño) <email address hidden> Thu, 05 Dec 2024 03:13:58 +0100

Source diff to previous version
2007652 [SRU] PWA don't launch as applications, just another chromium window
2065432 Unable to authenticate with smartcard: gnome-shell throws on unhandled promise rejection
2084276 Lock screen clock not centered when using a 12 hour / AM/PM clock
2039543 Miss placed Hexchat icon when switching workspaces
2059819 Regression: Jammy to Noble, right clicking on some icons shows dropdown on left side of screen
2084281 Unlock dialog for VeraCrypt volumes closes without error message when wrong password entered
2039801 Locate pointer not working when animations are disabled
2042763 Keyboard navigation doesn't work in app grid subfolders
2084286 Connecting to WPA(2) Enterprise network does not work from panel network quicksetting
2084287 Impossible to connect to wifi connection from quick settings if user has not enough permissions
2084289 GDM Authentication error messages are not shown to the user
2084301 GThemedIcon's are shown very small in notification
2084302 Notifications are not shown in the lock screen despite being allowed in settings
2084306 Impossible to patch gnome shell to set a custom ShellUserVerifier
2084308 Lockscreen entry can't be hidden via escape
2084310 Window overhang visible on wrong workspace during animation
2084293 HTML markup is not properly rendered in notification body

Version: 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.5 2024-09-26 20:06:55 UTC

  gnome-shell (46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.5) noble; urgency=medium

  * Add shell-app-Warn-instead-of-crashing-if-disposed-before-sta.patch
    to avoid crashing the shell if an app misbehaves coincidentally close
    to a garbage collection run (LP: #2037055)

 -- Daniel van Vugt <email address hidden> Fri, 13 Sep 2024 17:09:18 +0800

Source diff to previous version
2037055 gnome-shell crashed with SIGABRT: ERROR:../src/shell-app.c:shell_app_dispose: assertion failed: (app-\u003estate == SHELL_APP_STATE_STOPPED)

Version: 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.4 2024-08-27 13:07:24 UTC

  gnome-shell (46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.4) noble; urgency=medium

  * Add st-theme-node-Forget-properties-cache-on-stylesheet-chang.patch
    to fix crashes that occur when locking the screen from within the overview.
    But more generally can occur whenever any extension that modifies
    stylesheets (like ubuntu-dock or dash-to-dock) is unloaded (LP: #2069559).

 -- Daniel van Vugt <email address hidden> Fri, 16 Aug 2024 15:16:47 +0800

Source diff to previous version
2069559 gnome-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in st_theme_node_lookup_shadow() from st_theme_node_get_box_shadow() from st_theme_node_get_paint_box() from st_them

Version: 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.3 2024-08-15 18:07:24 UTC

  gnome-shell (46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.3) noble-security; urgency=medium

  * SECURITY UPDATE: resource consumption via portal helper
    - debian/patches/CVE-2024-36472-1.patch: use default_size instead of
      set_size_request for size in js/portalHelper/main.js.
    - debian/patches/CVE-2024-36472-2.patch: split out CaptivePortalHandler
      class in js/ui/status/network.js.
    - debian/patches/CVE-2024-36472-3.patch: show notification when
      detecting captive portal in js/ui/status/network.js.
    - debian/patches/CVE-2024-36472-4.patch: add option to disable
      portal-helper in data/icons/meson.build, data/meson.build,
      js/meson.build, js/misc/config.js.in, js/misc/meson.build,
      js/ui/status/network.js, meson.build, meson_options.txt,
    - debian/rules: build with portal_helper=false to use the default
      browser instead of the embedded webkit2gtk browser.
    - CVE-2024-36472

 -- Marc Deslauriers <email address hidden> Wed, 14 Aug 2024 08:27:56 -0400

Source diff to previous version
CVE-2024-36472 In GNOME Shell through 45.7, a portal helper can be launched automatically (without user confirmation) based on network responses provided by an adve

Version: 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.1 2024-07-18 16:07:12 UTC

  gnome-shell (46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.1) noble; urgency=medium

  * debian: Prepare for noble branching
  * d/p/ubuntu-authd: Revert unwanted change causing ibus not to launch
    (LP: #2069381)
  * d/p: Do not allocate memory or call async-signal-unsafe code on spawn
  * d/p/ubuntu-authd: Properly draw qr-codes for longer URIs (LP: #2067610)
  * d/p/ubuntu-authd: Fix dialog text color when using light theme
    (LP: #2067661)
  * d/p/ubuntu-authd: Use right colors to draw the qr code in light mode
    (LP: #2067661)
  * d/p/ubuntu-authd: Properly handle new-password messages requests
    (LP: #2068080)
  * d/p/ubuntu-authd: Add translatable js files to POTFILES.in (LP: #2068912)
  * d/p: Resize tray icon windows to respect their actor representation
    (LP: #2012388)
  * d/p: Do not make tray icons to take any input event directly.
    This is all handled through their actor proxy representation (LP: #2012388)

 -- Marco Trevisan (Treviño) <email address hidden> Fri, 14 Jun 2024 08:04:48 +0200

2069381 GNOME Shell doesn't try to start ibus-daemon on startup
2067610 GNOME Shell qrcode generator may create invalid QR code images
2067661 Login Qr code text is not readable in the lockscreen when using a light theme
2068080 Updating password from authd does not work
2068912 Authd based authentication fields cannot be translated
2012388 X11 window (usually AnyDesk) at top-right of the screen is invisible and steals mouse clicks

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