
Package "sosreport"

Name: sosreport


Set of tools to gather troubleshooting data from a system

Latest version: 4.8.2-0ubuntu0~24.04.1
Release: noble (24.04)
Level: updates
Repository: main
Homepage: https://github.com/sosreport/sos


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Other versions of "sosreport" in Noble

Repository Area Version
base main 4.5.6-0ubuntu4
proposed main 4.8.2-0ubuntu0~24.04.1


Version: 4.8.2-0ubuntu0~24.04.1 2025-03-12 22:07:12 UTC

  sosreport (4.8.2-0ubuntu0~24.04.1) noble; urgency=medium

  * New 4.8.2 upstream release. (LP: #2091858)

  * For more details, full release note is available here:
    - https://github.com/sosreport/sos/releases/tag/4.8.2

  * d/t/simple.sh:
    - Fix the IP address check, and escape the periods for grepping the IP
      address on the files to check if the IP address is being masked or not.
    - Replace "sosreport" with "sos report". The old command is now deprecated,
      and should be "sos report" in all places.
    - Fix S01autopkgtest and autopkgtest-run mis-represented as a hostname.

  * Former patches, now fixed:
    - d/p/0003-sunbeam_hypervisor-Fix-obfuscation-for-ceilometer-an.patch
    - d/p/0004-heat-Obfuscate-Add-auth_encryption_key-in-config.patch
    - d/p/0005-placement-Obfuscate-passwords-that-have-been-missed.patch
    - d/p/0006-mysql-Add-obfuscation-for-password-in-conf-files.patch

  * Remaining patches:
    - d/p/0001-debian-change-tmp-dir-location.patch

 -- Arif Ali <email address hidden> Mon, 16 Dec 2024 11:14:47 +0000

Source diff to previous version
2091858 [sru] sos upstream 4.8.2

Version: 4.7.2-0ubuntu1~24.04.2 2024-12-10 18:07:01 UTC

  sosreport (4.7.2-0ubuntu1~24.04.2) noble; urgency=medium

  * Resolve obfuscation issues (LP: #2085607)
    - d/p/0003-sunbeam_hypervisor-Fix-obfuscation-for-ceilometer-an.patch:
      The sunbeam plugin was added recently, but ceilometer wasn't there.
    - d/p/0004-heat-Obfuscate-Add-auth_encryption_key-in-config.patch:
      The configuration option auth_encryption_key was not being
      obfuscated by default.
    - d/p/0005-placement-Obfuscate-passwords-that-have-been-missed.patch
      The NOVA_API_PASS and PLACEMENT_PASS were not being obfuscated
      in one of the config files.
    - d/p/0006-mysql-Add-obfuscation-for-password-in-conf-files.patch:
      The password field in one of the config files was not being obfuscated.

 -- Arif Ali <email address hidden> Thu, 24 Oct 2024 06:45:01 +0000

Source diff to previous version
2085607 [sru] Obfuscation issues in sosreport sos 4.7.2

Version: 4.7.2-0ubuntu1~24.04.1 2024-10-25 09:06:55 UTC

  sosreport (4.7.2-0ubuntu1~24.04.1) noble; urgency=medium

  * New 4.7.2 upstream release. (LP: #2054395)

  * For more details, full release note is available here:
    - https://github.com/sosreport/sos/releases/tag/4.7.2

  * d/control:
    - Add 'python3-packaging' as part of the runtime depends.
    - Add 'python3-packaging' as part of the build depends:
      Use packaging for version comparison instead of pkg_resources from
    - Add 'python3-yaml' as part of the build depends:
      The new saltstack collect plugin now imports the yaml module, this is
      now required to build and run the sos package
    - Add 'python3-boto3' as part of the runtime Recommends:
      A new feature for uploading to S3 was implemented and the boto3 module
      is used for this. Although not a hard requirement, but could be useful
      moving forward.

  * Former patches, now fixed:
    - d/p/0002-obfuscate-netplan-ssid-password.patch
    - d/p/0003-removed-assertEquals-fix.patch

  * Remaining patches:
    - d/p/0001-debian-change-tmp-dir-location.patch

 -- Arif Ali <email address hidden> Fri, 21 Jun 2024 09:43:46 +0100

2054395 [sru] sos upstream 4.7.2

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