
Package "openjdk-21-demo"

Name: openjdk-21-demo


Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples)

Latest version: 21.0.6+7-1~22.04.1
Release: jammy (22.04)
Level: security
Repository: universe
Head package: openjdk-21
Homepage: https://openjdk.java.net/


Download "openjdk-21-demo"

Other versions of "openjdk-21-demo" in Jammy

Repository Area Version
updates universe 21.0.6+7-1~22.04.1


Version: 21.0.6+7-1~22.04.1 2025-02-05 07:06:56 UTC

  openjdk-21 (21.0.6+7-1~22.04.1) jammy-security; urgency=high

  * Upload to Ubuntu 22.04.
  * d/rules: disable dtrace on jammy armhf (LP: #2091226).
  * d/t/problems.csv: synchronize problem list with openjdk-25. The
    problemlist did not include issues from October 2024 update.

Source diff to previous version
2091226 openjdk-23 fails to build in jammy armhf with dtrace enabled

Version: 21.0.5+11-1ubuntu1~22.04 2024-11-11 05:06:57 UTC

  openjdk-21 (21.0.5+11-1ubuntu1~22.04) jammy-security; urgency=medium

  * d/control: Regenerate for upload to Ubuntu 22.04
  * d/rules: Add CFLAG to avert FTBFS on armhf due
    to GCC-11 ICE reported by LP-1953128
  * d/changelog: Add additional CVE information to the
    21.0.5+11 changelog entry
  * Upload to Ubuntu 22.04

Source diff to previous version

Version: 21.0.4+7-1ubuntu2~22.04 2024-07-31 14:07:11 UTC

  openjdk-21 (21.0.4+7-1ubuntu2~22.04) jammy-security; urgency=medium

  * Upload to Ubuntu 22.04.

Source diff to previous version

Version: 21.0.3+9-1ubuntu1~22.04.1 2024-06-06 04:07:20 UTC

  openjdk-21 (21.0.3+9-1ubuntu1~22.04.1) jammy-security; urgency=medium

  * Modify changelog entry for 21.0.3+9-1:
       remove an invalid entry from the CVE list.

Source diff to previous version

Version: 21.0.2+13-1~22.04.1 2024-02-27 03:07:05 UTC

  openjdk-21 (21.0.2+13-1~22.04.1) jammy-security; urgency=high

  * OpenJDK 21.0.2 release, build 13.
    - CVEs:
      + CVE-2024-20918
      + CVE-2024-20919
      + CVE-2024-20921
      + CVE-2024-20945
      + CVE-2024-20952
    - Security fixes:
      + JDK-8308204: Enhanced certificate processing.
      + JDK-8314295: Enhance verification of verifier.
      + JDK-8314307: Improve loop handling.
      + JDK-8314468: Improve Compiler loops.
      + JDK-8316976: Improve signature handling.
      + JDK-8317547: Enhance TLS connection support.

  [ Pushkar Kulkarni ]
  * debian/copyright: Fix whitespace issues.
  * Minor improvements to the copyright-generator.

  [ Vladimir Petko ]
  * d/copyright: Fix lintian warning.
  * Generate d/watch to cope with early access and release builds.

  [ Matthias Klose ]
  * Add sparc64 defines (patch by Adrian Glaubitz). Closes: #1057390.
  * d/copyright: Fix source location.
  * Update the arch-add-ports patch, taken from 22.
  * Regenerate debian files.

  [ Pushkar Kulkarni ]
  * Upload to Ubuntu 22.04

 -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden> Wed, 17 Jan 2024 13:14:57 +0100

1057390 openjdk-21: Please add patch to support SPARCV9
CVE-2024-20918 Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Hotspot). Suppo
CVE-2024-20919 Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Hotspot). Suppo
CVE-2024-20921 Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Hotspot). Suppo
CVE-2024-20945 Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Security). Supp
CVE-2024-20952 Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Security). Supp

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