
Package "libudev1"

Name: libudev1


libudev shared library

Latest version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.12
Release: jammy (22.04)
Level: updates
Repository: main
Head package: systemd
Homepage: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd


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Other versions of "libudev1" in Jammy

Repository Area Version
base main 249.11-0ubuntu3
security main 249.11-0ubuntu3.7
proposed main 249.11-0ubuntu3.14


Version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.6 2022-09-22 11:07:27 UTC

  systemd (249.11-0ubuntu3.6) jammy; urgency=medium

  * Deny-list TEST-58-REPART on ppc64el (LP: #1988994)
    File: debian/patches/lp1988994-Deny-list-TEST-58-REPART-on-ppc64el.patch

Source diff to previous version
1988994 TEST-58-REPART autopkgtest failure on ppc64el

Version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.4 2022-07-05 23:32:30 UTC

  systemd (249.11-0ubuntu3.4) jammy; urgency=medium

  [ Mustafa Kemal Gilor ]
  * d/p/lp1978079-efi-pstore-not-cleared-on-boot.patch: pstore: Run after
    modules are loaded. Thanks to Alexander Graf <email address hidden>.
    (LP: #1978079)
    Author: Mustafa Kemal Gilor
    File: debian/patches/lp1978079-efi-pstore-not-cleared-on-boot.patch

  [ Nick Rosbrook ]
  * systemd-oomd: set ManagedOOMSwap=auto on -.slice (LP: #1972159)
    This has the effect of disabling swap kill by default, so cgroups will
    only be monitored for memory pressure, and not swap usage.
    File: debian/extra/systemd-oomd-defaults/-.slice.d/10-oomd-root-slice-defaults.conf

 -- Nick Rosbrook <email address hidden> Mon, 27 Jun 2022 14:28:46 -0400

Source diff to previous version
1978079 EFI pstore not cleared on boot
1972159 systemd-oomd frequently kills firefox and visual studio code

Version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.3 2022-06-22 14:06:18 UTC

  systemd (249.11-0ubuntu3.3) jammy; urgency=medium

  [ Lukas Märdian ]
  * Build with and suggest fido2 and tpm libraries (LP: #1969375)
    These are used via dlopen only if available by some tools like
    systemd-cryptsetup, systemd-cryptenroll and systemd-repart,
    with graceful fallbacks if they are not found.
    Build-depend on them so that the features get compiled in
    (apart from stage1 builds), and add appropriate Suggests.
    Backport of:
    - debian/control
    - debian/rules
    - debian/tests/control
  * Run tests-in-lxd autopkgtest via LXD snap, deb is no more (LP: #1976607)
    - debian/tests/control
    - debian/tests/tests-in-lxd

  [ Nick Rosbrook ]
  * d/t/boot-and-services: Ignore failed snap mount units in test_no_failed
    (LP: #1967576)
    Author: Nick Rosbrook
    File: debian/tests/boot-and-services

Source diff to previous version
1969375 systemd-cryptenroll does not support TPM2 devices
1976607 tests-in-lxd autopkgtest is skipped, due to missing 'lxd' deb
1967576 systemd: autopkgtest: tests-in-lxd fails because of remaining snap .mount units

Version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.1 2022-05-03 20:06:23 UTC

  systemd (249.11-0ubuntu3.1) jammy; urgency=medium

  [ Andy Chi ]
  * Add mic mute key support for HP Elite x360 series (LP: #1967038)
    Author: Andy Chi
    File: debian/patches/hwdb-Add-mic-mute-key-mapping-for-HP-Elite-x360.patch

 -- Lukas Märdian <email address hidden> Thu, 21 Apr 2022 14:14:26 +0200

1967038 Add mic mute key for HP Elite x360 series

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