
Package "thunderbird"

Moved to bionic:main:updates

Name: thunderbird


Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter

Latest version: *DELETED*
Release: bionic (18.04)
Level: proposed
Repository: main


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Other versions of "thunderbird" in Bionic

Repository Area Version
base main 1:52.7.0+build1-0ubuntu1
base universe 1:52.7.0+build1-0ubuntu1
security universe 1:102.11.0+build1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
security main 1:102.11.0+build1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
updates universe 1:102.11.0+build1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
updates main 1:102.11.0+build1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
PPA: Mint Upstream 1:128.8.0esr+linuxmint1+xia
PPA: Thunderbird Next 1:60.0+build4-0ubuntu0.18.04.3
PPA: Mozilla ESR 1:115.18.0+build1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1~mt1
PPA: Mint Upstream 1:128.8.0esr+linuxmint1+xia


Version: *DELETED* 2021-06-07 17:06:29 UTC
Moved to bionic:main:updates
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 1:78.8.1+build1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 2021-05-26 10:06:17 UTC

  thunderbird (1:78.8.1+build1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1) bionic; urgency=medium

  * New upstream stable release (78.8.1build1) (LP: #1895643)
    - debian/config/branch.mk
  * Bump build dependency on rustc >= 1.41.0 and cargo >= 0.42
    - debian/control{,.in}
  * Bump build dependency on nodejs-mozilla >= 10.21
    - debian/control{,.in}
  * Bump build dependency on nasm-mozilla >= 2.14.02
    - debian/control{,.in}
  * Bump build dependency on debhelper >= 9
    - debian/compat
    - debian/control{,.in}
  * Port packaging to python3
    - debian/build/Expression.py
    - debian/build/Preprocessor.py
    - debian/build/create-tarball.py
    - debian/build/fix-mozinfo-appname.py
    - debian/build/keepalive-wrapper.py
    - debian/build/rules.mk
    - debian/build/xpi-id.py
    - debian/control{,.in}
  * Clean up unused code paths in packaging rules
    - debian/rules
    - debian/build/config.mk
    - debian/config/mozconfig.in
  * Update cbindgen to 0.17.0
    - debian/build/create-tarball.py
  * Work around clang hanging forever when trying to optimize the build of the
    embedded copy of sqlite3 (LP: #1878292)
    - debian/patches/s390x-workaround-sqlite3-clang-optimization-hang.patch
  * Remove obsolete config options
    - debian/config/mozconfig.in
  * Allow sideloading langpacks (LP: #1866059)
    - debian/config/mozconfig.in
  * Make xul-ext-lightning a transitional empty package, now that calendar
    functionality is part of the Thunderbird core
    - debian/build/rules.mk
    - debian/control{,.in}
    - debian/rules
  * Separately installed blocklist.xml was removed
    - debian/thunderbird.install.in
  * Install WeTransfer extension to the features directory
    - debian/thunderbird.install.in
  * Add the following locales: af, en-CA, fa, ja-JP-mac, pa-IN, th
    - update debian/config/locales.{all,shipped}
  * Remove upstreamed patch
    - debian/patches/nss_disable_fips_enabled_flag.patch
  * Update and rename patch to selectively reduce debug info level
    - debian/patches/reduce-rust-debuginfo-on-selected-architectures.patch
  * Refresh patches
    - debian/patches/rust-drop-dll-checksums.patch
    - debian/patches/support-coinstallable-trunk-build.patch
  * Updates patches
    - debian/patches/unity-menubar.patch
  * Cherry-pick 3 upstream commits to fix building ICU on big-endian
    architectures (e.g. s390x)
    - debian/patches/upstream-icu-fixes.patch
  * Add a missing linker flag to build icupkg on s390x
    - debian/patches/s390x-fix-icupkg-build.patch
  * Drop armel arch references
    - debian/control{,.in}
    - debian/build/rules.mk
  * Add generic logic to target different LLVM toolchains
    - debian/config/mozconfig.in
    - debian/control{,.in}
    - debian/build/rules.mk
  * Make thunderbird suggest libotr5
    - debian/control{,.in}
  * Add versioned breaks on enigmail and jsunit
    - debian/control{,.in}
  * Allow the use of external GPG keyrings by default
    - debian/vendor.js

 -- Olivier Tilloy <email address hidden> Wed, 17 Mar 2021 15:37:52 +0100

1895643 Backport Thunderbird 78 to 20.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS
1878292 firefox FTBFS on s390x
1866059 firefox-locale-* packages do not enable localization =\u003e post-install localization is not complete

Version: *DELETED* 2019-12-05 01:07:24 UTC
Moved to bionic:main:updates
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 1:68.2.1+build1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 2019-11-08 17:06:31 UTC

  thunderbird (1:68.2.1+build1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1) bionic; urgency=medium

  * New upstream stable release (68.2.1build1) (LP: #1850064)

  * Vendor cbindgen and its dependencies in the source tarball, because it's
    not available in Debian/Ubuntu yet
    - update debian/build/create-tarball.py
    - update debian/build/rules.mk
    - update debian/config/mozconfig.in
    - update debian/config/tarball.conf
  * Bump build dependency on rustc >= 1.34.0 and cargo >= 0.35
    - update debian/control{,.in}
  * Add a build dependency on Node.js 8.11
    - update debian/config/mozconfig.in
    - update debian/control{,.in}
  * Add a build dependency on nasm 2.13.02
    - update debian/control{,.in}
  * Update exclusion patterns to remove outdated entries and to trim down the
    final size of the source tarball
    - update debian/config/tarball.conf
  * Do not install obsolete extension
    - update debian/thunderbird.install.in
  * Update patches
    - update debian/patches/reduce-rust-debuginfo-on-32bit-architectures.patch
    - update debian/patches/rust-drop-dll-checksums.patch
    - update debian/patches/support-coinstallable-trunk-build.patch
    - update debian/patches/unity-menubar.patch
  * Remove obsolete patches
    - remove debian/patches/dont-treat-tilde-as-special.patch
    - remove debian/patches/fix-missing-docs-error.patch
    - remove debian/patches/skia-big-endian.patch
  * Stop building and remove thunderbird-globalmenu (LP: #1834866)
  * Fix build on armhf by disabling unaligned FP accesses emulation
    - add debian/patches/armhf-disable-unaligned-fp-access-emulation.patch
  * Reduce the memory used by the linking process on armhf, to work around
    build failures on launchpad
    - add debian/patches/armhf-reduce-linker-memory-use.patch
  * Update shipped locales (adding cak, ka, uz)
    - update debian/config/locales.{all,shipped}
    - update debian/control
  * Build with clang
    - update debian/config/mozconfig.in
    - update debian/control{,.in}
    - add debian/patches/armhf-clang-no-integrated-as-for-neon.patch
    - add debian/patches/ppc64el-workaround-bug-1555531.patch
    - add debian/patches/s390x-fix-hidden-symbol.patch
  * Ensure that external dictionaries are still loaded (LP: #1847247)
    - debian/thunderbird.sh.in
  * Export MOZ_SOURCE_REPO and MOZ_SOURCE_CHANGESET during the configure step
    as this is now mandatory for the build system to determine and expose the
    comm repository and revision used to generate the source tarball
    (see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1507754)
    - debian/build/create-tarball.py
    - debian/build/rules.mk
  * Fix the repacking of lightning with all locales (the artifact was renamed
    to lightning.xpi, see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1588659)
    - debian/build/rules.mk

 -- Olivier Tilloy <email address hidden> Thu, 31 Oct 2019 19:23:11 +0100

1850064 Please upgrade it to 68.x on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
1834866 Stop building and remove firefox-globalmenu
1847247 External dictionaries are not loaded

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