
Package "cairo-dock-plug-ins-dbus-interface-vala"

This package belongs to a PPA: Cairo-dock-team

Name: cairo-dock-plug-ins-dbus-interface-vala


A Vala interface to interact with Cairo-Dock by using DBus

Latest version: 3.4.0-0ubuntu0~precise
Release: precise (12.04)
Level: base
Repository: main
Head package: cairo-dock-plug-ins


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Other versions of "cairo-dock-plug-ins-dbus-interface-vala" in Precise

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Version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu0~precise 2012-12-02 23:08:39 UTC

 cairo-dock-plug-ins (3.1.2-0ubuntu0~precise) precise; urgency=low
   * New Upstream Version (3.1.1 - bug-fix).
    - Core
      - Dialogues Mgr:
        - cairo_dock_set_dialog_message (used by Help): used markup if it's needed
        - Fixed 2 bugs when an icon holding a modal dialog is destroyed
      - GUI:
        - Search for an icon path if the module gives us only the name of its icon (e.g. Deluge, Transmission, Menus)
        - Simple: Behavior: Position of the taskbar: 'After a given icon' choise was missing
      - Icon Mgr: removed a now useless static mutex
      - Init:
        - Initialised threads on new versions of GLib (>= 2.24)
        - This should finally fix a crash when opening Logout menu
      - Help: Used markup for the dialogues
      - Menu: Quit with a Cairo-Dock session: check if it's really the shift key which is used to unlock the quit menu entry
    - Plug-ins
      - Clock: If seconds are not shown, redrawn the applet each time at 00 second (before the timer wasn't started with a delay and the applet was redrawn between 00 and 60 seconds)
      - GMenu: Editor: also check if 'menulibre' is available
      - RSSreader:
        - Make the text selectable in the dialog
        - Fixed incorrect duration of the dialog when no URL/connection
      - MusicPlayer: if the music player has given a wrong .desktop filename, check if it's a valid name before doing something more
      - Status-Notifier:
        - When the icon theme changes, remove the previous one first
        - Position of the Menu: e.g. with Dropbox: the menu is out of the screen every time something has changed in this menu (it displays 'connecting', free space available, etc.) -> we need to reposition it.
        - Fixed lots of corner cases (mainly for Skype)
        - Added full support of the Ubuntu indicator application API, for program that only use this one (and not the standard Status-Notifier API), like Skype
        - Implemented an horrible hack for Skype (it only creates its item when the host appears, not if the host already exists)
        - Updated the property HasStatusNotifierHostRegistered to IsStatusNotifierHostRegistered
        - Check for item unicity on creation (fixes the Skype double item)
        - E.g. with Dropbox, the menu is firstly drawn out of the screen and then it's ok
      - Misc.:
        - CMakeLists.txt: DBusMenu GLib and GTK are needed for Indicator-Applet

Source diff to previous version

Version: 3.1.1-0ubuntu0~precise 2012-11-06 13:08:27 UTC

 cairo-dock-plug-ins (3.1.1-0ubuntu0~precise) precise; urgency=low
   * New Upstream Version (3.1.1 - bug-fix).
    - Core
     - Dialogues Mgr: Rewrite blocking dialog to avoid bug with 'terminal' applet
     - GUI
      - Simple:
       - Used the right translation for titles of all main categories and description of views
       - With old versions of GTK2 (< 2.22): this config panel had tabs but without widget inside
      - Advanced:
       - Widget Items: Unvisible modules: displayed the title (which is translated)
     - Icon Mgr:
      - Fixed a crash with the icons theme when it is reloaded
      - Icon was invisible for launchers that are pinned to a given desktop
      - Icons were not correctly sorted (it impacted Shortcuts)
     - Init: Used dbus_g_thread_init before 'gtk_init' in order to be called before the first use of DBus
      - It should fixed a 'random' crash when clicking on logout applet.
     - Help: always check the composite on startup, until the user choose not to
     - Theme: Panel:
      - Added Printers-Menu.conf file (needed to place this applet at the right position)
      - Dnd2share: used the new 'busy' animation
     - Misc.:
      - Compilation libdir: some distro (e.g. Gentoo) use LIB_SUFFIX flag: used a specific case for that
      - Updated translations
    - Plug-ins
     - Application Menu:
      - Recent-Menu was on a wrong section after an update of the menu (e.g. when a program was added/removed)
      - Menu: file name: firstly checked with XDG_MENU_PREFIX env variable (e.g. to use 'xfce-applications.menu' instead of 'applications.menu' in XFCE)
     - Clock: we need to include 'gdk/gdkkeysyms.h' for older versions of Gtk2
     - Dialogues: avoid using blocking dialogues (except if it's needed)
     - Dock-rendering: clean the dock correctly when switching from a 'Panel' view to another one.
     - Keyboard:
      - Forgot to replace the old (and temporally) emblems for CapsLock/NumLock (thanks to Freb ;) )
      - Gtk3: Used GDK functions to get the num/caps lock states because it seems it doesn't work very well with xKlavier functions with recent versions...
      - Clean old code
     - MusicPlayer:
      - Songs dropped on the icon were not enqueued
      - Mpris2: some players are not able to give a 'int64' value for 'mpris:length'
      - If the music player gives us a '.desktop' filename, check first if it's a valid name before doing something more (e.g. Amarok give us a wrong name and then, it was not possible to re-launch Amarok from this applet)
     - Shortcuts:
      - Fixed a possible crash if the removed icon was at the beginning of the list
      - Allowed shortcuts like 'Browse Network', 'Browse recent files', and 'Open Trash' to quickly open the corresponding URI
     - Sound Control:
      - Alsa backend: Handled this case: the default card is not the card that we want to control
      - When setting the volume while the output is mute, unmute it
     - Status-Notifier:
      - Fixed a typo with the version of its .conf file
      - Don't add an empty icon path to the icons theme
     - Third-party applet: Store the icon name in order to use a new icon if the icon theme changes
     - Misc.:
      - Compilation: Status-Notifier: fixed a compilation error if 'indicator' is not found.
      - Updated translations
    - Third-Party applets:
     - Calendar: used 'ncal' instead of 'cal' because it uses the locale to know if the week has to starts with Monday or Sunday
     - Screensaver_inhibitor: check for xscreensaver before the dbus services
     - Misc.:
      - Uniformed some common labels in the conf files
      - Updated translations

Source diff to previous version

Version: 3.1.0-0ubuntu1~precise 2012-10-20 13:08:16 UTC

 cairo-dock-plug-ins (3.1.0-0ubuntu1~precise) precise; urgency=low
   * New Upstream Version (3.1.0).

Source diff to previous version

Version: 3.0.2-1ubuntu0~precise 2012-06-15 23:20:25 UTC

 cairo-dock-plug-ins (3.0.2-1ubuntu0~precise) precise; urgency=low
   * New Upstream Version (3.0.2).
    - AlsaMixer: Fix: double-clicking did nothing if we didn t open the menu of the applet
    - DND2Share: Pastebin: Their public API is no longer available -> ported to the new API
    - GMenu: Fixed a bug that made sub-menus be too small,
       and therefore have to be scrolled + code cleaning
    - Logout: When the menu is reversed (top dock), select the last item so that
       it s the same as the normal menu (ie, the shutdown item)
    - MusicPlayer: Prevented a warning message: when changing song, we don t receive
       this value: Position => no need to display a warning message each time
    - MusicPlayer: Allow recently played files in the menu (Recent-Files)
    - MusicPlayer: Fixed a bug that prevented the player from being launched
       the 2nd time in some cases
    - MusicPlayer: Added raise and quit methods in the menu when the player is
       in the systray (without that it s hard to display the window
    - MusicPlayer: Used toggle buttons for Shuffle and Repeat properties
    - Recent-Events: If the file doesn t exist, don t display it in the Recent Files menu
    - Recent-Events: Prevent doubles in the menu list
    - Po: Updated translations: thanks to all contributors ;) (added Croatian)
    - Shortcuts: Fixed a small bug with bookmarks (extra new lines were disrupting Thunar)
    - Status-Notifier: Added the marshaller for the XAyatanaNewLabel signal
    - Systray (old): Force the icons size to 24px, to avoid buggy programs to display
       their icon with a wrong size
    - Third-party applets: Reposition their right-click menu, so that it s the same
       as a normal menu (on top of the icon and no scroll needed)
    - Fix 3.0.1 regression: GMenu, Switcher, Quick-Browser and Terminal:
       CAIRO_DOCK_FORCE_ICON_IN_MENUS was not defined in plug-ins (these applets
       didn t contain any icons except if menus-have-icons [gd]conf key was enabled)
    - It s possible to donate to support the project!

Source diff to previous version

Version: 3.0.1-1ubuntu1~precise 2012-05-31 09:08:19 UTC

 cairo-dock-plug-ins (3.0.1-1ubuntu1~precise) precise; urgency=low
   * debian/patches/force_icons_in_menus.patch
    - Icons in menus was no longer forced (GMenu no longer contains icons)

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