
Bugs fixes in "netbook-launcher"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1020075 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in unity::ui::EdgeBarrierController::Impl::OnPointerBarrierEvent() 2012-09-12
Launchpad 1031554 [nvidia] unity crashed in nux::GraphicsEngine::QRP_GLSL_1Tex (glDrawArrays) 2012-09-12
Launchpad 886605 Desktop, Launcher and menu bar still visible when screen locked 2012-09-12
Launchpad 1047385 Update dependency on renamed geis 2012-09-12
Launchpad 1035668 [SRU regression] alt-grave not switching to next window unless 'grave' pressed twice 2012-09-12
Launchpad 1034164 [SRU Regression] Unity 5.14 + Nux 2.14: Launcher tooltips are incomplete/missing 2012-09-12
Launchpad 988079 Much slower OpenGL frame rates with unityshell loaded, than plain compiz 2012-09-12
Launchpad 980663 Compiz won't start if \ 2012-09-12
Launchpad 734908 Unity is visible on top of fullscreen apps 2012-09-12
Launchpad 1026247 Dragging icons to reorder -away from launcher causes the dragged icon image edges to fade away(cut off) 2012-09-12
Launchpad 998752 Arrow for indicating lenses points empty space on alt+F2 2012-09-12
Launchpad 1035951 [Regression] Hideous low-res icon when using the HUD with autohide enabled. 2012-09-12
Launchpad 1032700 Launcher dragged icon is not redrawn when the mouse pointer is not moved 2012-09-12
Launchpad 1016430 launcher is not refreshed after user session switch 2012-09-12
Launchpad 874619 Dragging windows around is slow/sluggish/laggy when multiple monitors are enabled 2012-09-12
Launchpad 967112 Tooltips backgrounds are not refreshed (no active blur) 2012-09-12
Launchpad 865006 [regression] Unity panel transparency (active blur) not updating properly 2012-09-12
Launchpad 992516 Black background around after dash is restored 2012-09-12
Launchpad 874230 Refreshing active blur makes the dash painfully slow 2012-09-12
Launchpad 870284 Dash should close on "Spread" 2012-08-07

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