
Bugs fixes in "libfreeimage3-dbg"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
CVE CVE-2010-2595 The TIFFYCbCrtoRGB function in LibTIFF 3.9.0 and 3.9.2, as used in ImageMagick, does not properly handle invalid ReferenceBlackWhite values, which all 2011-12-24
CVE CVE-2011-0192 RESERVED 2011-12-24
CVE CVE-2011-1167 Heap-based buffer overflow in the thunder (aka ThunderScan) decoder in tif_thunder.c in LibTIFF 3.9.4 and earlier allows remote attackers to execute a 2011-12-24
Launchpad 898825 freeimage: multiple vulnerabilities in embedded code copies 2011-12-24

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