Bugs fixes in "cyrus-sasl2"
Origin | Bug number | Title | Date fixed |
Launchpad | 1988730 | package libsasl2-modules provides only unsafe SASL bind mechanims | 2023-03-01 |
Launchpad | 1988730 | package libsasl2-modules provides only unsafe SASL bind mechanims | 2023-03-01 |
Launchpad | 1988730 | package libsasl2-modules provides only unsafe SASL bind mechanims | 2023-02-01 |
Launchpad | 1988730 | package libsasl2-modules provides only unsafe SASL bind mechanims | 2023-02-01 |
Launchpad | 1677781 | Missing dep8 tests | 2023-01-04 |
Launchpad | 1912256 | Missing channel binding prevents authentication to ActiveDirectory | 2023-01-04 |
Launchpad | 1677781 | Missing dep8 tests | 2023-01-04 |
Launchpad | 1912256 | Missing channel binding prevents authentication to ActiveDirectory | 2023-01-04 |
Launchpad | 1677781 | Missing dep8 tests | 2022-12-07 |
Launchpad | 1912256 | Missing channel binding prevents authentication to ActiveDirectory | 2022-12-07 |
Launchpad | 1677781 | Missing dep8 tests | 2022-12-07 |
Launchpad | 1912256 | Missing channel binding prevents authentication to ActiveDirectory | 2022-12-07 |
CVE | CVE-2022-24407 | RESERVED | 2022-02-22 |
CVE | CVE-2022-24407 | RESERVED | 2022-02-22 |
CVE | CVE-2022-24407 | RESERVED | 2022-02-22 |
CVE | CVE-2022-24407 | RESERVED | 2022-02-22 |
CVE | CVE-2022-24407 | RESERVED | 2022-02-22 |
CVE | CVE-2022-24407 | RESERVED | 2022-02-22 |
CVE | CVE-2022-24407 | RESERVED | 2022-02-22 |
CVE | CVE-2022-24407 | RESERVED | 2022-02-22 |
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