
Package "touchegg"

This package belongs to a PPA: Mint Import

Name: touchegg


Multi-touch gesture recognizer
Touchégg is an app that runs in the background and transform the gestures you
make in your touchpad into visible actions in your desktop.
For example, you can swipe up with 3 fingers to maximize a window or swipe left
with 4 finger to switch to the next desktop.

Latest version: 2.0.16+victoria
Release: xia
Level: base
Repository: import
Homepage: https://github.com/JoseExposito/touchegg


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Other versions of "touchegg" in Xia

Repository Area Version
base universe 1.1.1-0ubuntu7
PPA: Mint Import 2.0.16+victoria


Version: 2.0.16+victoria 2025-02-14 12:45:18 UTC
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