
Package "procfile-util"

This package belongs to a PPA: Dokku

Name: procfile-util


Utility that allows users to interact with Procfile files
Procfiles may be specified on stdin or via a flag, but
must always be valid yaml.

Latest version: 0.19.0
Release: focal (20.04)
Level: base
Repository: main
Homepage: https://github.com/dokku/procfile-util


Download "procfile-util"

Other versions of "procfile-util" in Focal

No other version of this package is available in the Focal release.


Version: 0.16.0 2023-08-06 23:08:47 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

Version: 0.15.0 2022-07-01 00:00:46 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

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