
Package "nvidia-361"

Name: nvidia-361


Transitional package for nvidia-367

Latest version: 367.57-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
Release: xenial (16.04)
Level: security
Repository: restricted
Head package: nvidia-graphics-drivers-367


Download "nvidia-361"

Other versions of "nvidia-361" in Xenial

Repository Area Version
base restricted 361.42-0ubuntu2
updates restricted 367.57-0ubuntu0.16.04.1


Version: 367.57-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 2016-11-03 16:06:31 UTC

  nvidia-graphics-drivers-367 (367.57-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) xenial-security; urgency=medium

    - CVE-2016-7382, 2016-7389 (LP: #1627055).
  * New upstream release:
    - Fixed a bug that could prevent systems with GPUs configured in
      SLI from resuming correctly from ACPI S3/S4 sleep/hibernate
    - Added support for NVIDIA 3D Vision 2 Stereo on Linux. This IR
      emitter can be used with stereo mode "10" set in the X
      configuration file.
    - Fixed a bug in nvidia-persistenced that caused it to
      incorrectly delete the PID file if a second instance of the
      daemon is started.
  * debian/templates/nvidia-graphics-drivers.postinst.in:
    - Do not fail if update-initramfs is not available (LP: #1629274).
  * debian/templates/libcuda1-361.prerm.in,
    - Add empty prerm scripts for 361 (LP: #1621780).
  * debian/templates/control.in:
    - Restore support for libcuda-8.0-1 (lost in the transition from
      361). Thanks to Graham Inggs.

 -- Alberto Milone <email address hidden> Thu, 13 Oct 2016 12:05:12 +0200

1629274 nvidia-367 fails to install on buildds
1621780 upgrade failure from older nvidia release
CVE-2016-7382 RESERVED

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