
Package "base-files"

Moved to xenial:main:updates

Name: base-files


Debian base system miscellaneous files

Latest version: *DELETED*
Release: xenial (16.04)
Level: proposed
Repository: main


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Other versions of "base-files" in Xenial

Repository Area Version
base main 9.4ubuntu4
updates main 9.4ubuntu4.14
PPA: Mint Upstream 13ubuntu10mint22.1.0+xia
PPA: Mint Upstream 19.2.1
PPA: Mint Upstream 19.3.1
PPA: Mint Upstream 21.0.2
PPA: Mint Upstream 21.1.1
PPA: Mint Upstream 13ubuntu10mint22.0.0+wilma

Packages in group

Deleted packages are displayed in grey.


Version: *DELETED* 2024-01-20 00:06:54 UTC
Moved to xenial:main:updates
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 9.4ubuntu4.14 2024-01-04 23:06:47 UTC

  base-files (9.4ubuntu4.14) xenial; urgency=medium

  * update-motd.d/10-help-text: Update support url for new Ubuntu Pro webpage
    (LP: #2046356)

 -- Lucas Moura <email address hidden> Tue, 02 Jan 2024 14:22:24 -0300

2046356 Update URL for Support information in MOTD message

Version: *DELETED* 2020-09-02 23:06:22 UTC
Moved to xenial:main:updates
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 9.4ubuntu4.13 2020-08-21 14:06:16 UTC

  base-files (9.4ubuntu4.13) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Andreas Hasenack ]
  * motd/50-motd-news: don't include uptime in the user-agent string
    (LP: #1886572)
  * Move the /etc/default/motd-news conffile to the motd-news-config
    package (LP: #1888575):
    - d/postinst.in, d/postrm, d/preinst: remove /etc/default/motd-news
      config file on base-files upgrade using dpkg-maintscript-helper
    - d/rules: install d/preinst
    - d/control: break on ubuntu-server << 1.361.5 to force an upgrade if
      it is installed, which will pull motd-news-config and the conffile
      back in
    - d/control: new motd-news-config package, carrying the
      configuration file for the /etc/update-motd.d/50-motd-news script.
    - d/motd-news-config.postinst:
      + handle the upgrade case where the motd-news config file was
        changed while it belonged to base-files
      + disable motd-news if the config file was removed by hand before
        the upgrade
    - d/postinst.in: signal the motd-news-config package if the
      motd-news config file was removed manually before the upgrade
    - d/conffiles: remove motd-news
    - d/rules, d/motd-news-config.conffiles: packaging motd-news-config
      without debhelper

  [ Steve Langasek ]
  * motd/50-motd-news: use wget instead of curl, since wget is standard but
    curl is optional (LP: #1888572):
    - This changes the timeout behavior slightly because wget does not have
      an exact equivalent to curl's --max-time argument, we are using
      --timeout instead.

 -- Andreas Hasenack <email address hidden> Mon, 17 Aug 2020 11:19:19 -0300

1886572 Remove uptime from the motd-news user agent
1888572 motd-news: use wget instead of curl

Version: *DELETED* 2020-08-11 01:07:01 UTC
Moved to xenial:main:updates
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

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