
Package "kerneloops-applet"

Name: kerneloops-applet


applet for the kernel oops tracker

Latest version: 0.12+git20090217-3ubuntu8
Release: trusty (14.04)
Level: base
Repository: universe
Head package: kerneloops
Homepage: http://www.kerneloops.org/


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Other versions of "kerneloops-applet" in Trusty

No other version of this package is available in the Trusty release.


Version: 0.12+git20090217-3ubuntu8 2014-04-02 17:07:29 UTC

  kerneloops (0.12+git20090217-3ubuntu8) trusty; urgency=medium

  * source_kerneloops.py: Add missing required argument for attach_dmesg()
 -- Brian Murray <email address hidden> Wed, 02 Apr 2014 07:37:37 -0700

Source diff to previous version

Version: 0.12+git20090217-3ubuntu7 2014-03-29 00:07:29 UTC

  kerneloops (0.12+git20090217-3ubuntu7) trusty; urgency=medium

  * Add in an apport package that captures recent kernel syslog messages and
    dmesg to aid in tracking down some crashes in kerneloops.
 -- Brian Murray <email address hidden> Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:26:25 -0700

Source diff to previous version

Version: 0.12+git20090217-3ubuntu6 2014-03-12 14:07:31 UTC

  kerneloops (0.12+git20090217-3ubuntu6) trusty; urgency=medium

  * Add ubuntu-set-poll-to-60-seconds.patch: Reduce polling to every 60
    seconds (LP: #1289311). The default polling was every 10 seconds, which is
    a little excessive.
 -- Colin King <email address hidden> Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:33:33 +0100

Source diff to previous version
1289311 kerneloops is waking up relatively frequently to check for kernel oops which contributes to keeping system from deep sleep

Version: 0.12+git20090217-3ubuntu5 2014-03-05 19:07:19 UTC

  kerneloops (0.12+git20090217-3ubuntu5) trusty; urgency=medium

  [ Colin King ]
  * fix memleak and add alloc null pointer checks (LP: #1287109)
    - memleak of buffer c in writefunction()
    - null pointer checks in extract_oops() and scan_dmesg() (LP: #1026251)

  [ Brian Murray ]
  * fix null pointer check in fill_lineinfo() (LP: #1026300)
 -- Brian Murray <email address hidden> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 08:58:57 -0800

1287109 kernel oops suffers from memory leak and unchecked heap allocations
1026251 kerneloops assert failure: *** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/kerneloops: free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x099254a0 ***
1026300 kerneloops crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail_base()

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