
Package "dotnet8"

Name: dotnet8


.NET CLI tools and runtime

Latest version: 8.0.114-8.0.14-0ubuntu1~24.04.1
Release: noble (24.04)
Level: security
Repository: main
Homepage: https://dot.net


Download "dotnet8"

Other versions of "dotnet8" in Noble

Repository Area Version
base main 8.0.104-8.0.4-0ubuntu1
base universe 8.0.104-0ubuntu1
security universe 8.0.114-0ubuntu1~24.04.1
updates main 8.0.114-8.0.14-0ubuntu1~24.04.1
updates universe 8.0.114-0ubuntu1~24.04.1
proposed main 8.0.113-8.0.13-0ubuntu1~24.04.1
proposed universe 8.0.113-0ubuntu1~24.04.1

Packages in group

Deleted packages are displayed in grey.


Version: 8.0.105-8.0.5-0ubuntu1~24.04.1 2024-05-15 15:07:01 UTC

  dotnet8 (8.0.105-8.0.5-0ubuntu1~24.04.1) noble-security; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release
  * SECURITY UPDATE: stack buffer overflow
    - CVE-2024-30045: a stack based buffer overflow in the .NET Double Parse
      routine allows for remote code execution.
  * SECURITY UPDATE: resource dead-lock
    - CVE-2024-30046: a dead-lock in Http2OutputProducer.Stop() results in a
      denial of service.
  * debian/patches/0001-fix-clang18-build.patch: refreshed patch to remove
    new upstream inclusions.

 -- Ian Constantin <email address hidden> Thu, 09 May 2024 17:16:30 +0300

CVE-2024-30045 .NET and Visual Studio Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
CVE-2024-30046 Visual Studio Denial of Service Vulnerability

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