Package "gnome-shell-common"
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Other versions of "gnome-shell-common" in Noble
gnome-shell (46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.8) noble; urgency=medium
[ Alessandro Astone ]
* Backport patch for connecting to a new Wi-Fi network from the log-in screen
(LP: #2098016)
2098016 |
Ubuntu 24.04 WiFi from gdm3 login screen: cannot select new network |
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.
gnome-shell (46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.6) noble; urgency=medium
[ Nathan Pratta Teodosio ]
* d/p/chromium-snap-pwa.patch: Fixes tab and dock grouping of progressive
web applications for the Chromium snap (LP: #2007652).
[ Robert Malz ]
* d/p: Fix default service discovery.
Fix an issue where authentication service was not
properly picked due to incorrect checks in _isDiscreteServiceEnabled
(LP: #2065432)
* Add loginDialog-Don-t-assume-this._user-is-always-defined.patch.
Cherry-pick for e5d9a0fe
Fixes null dereference during login with smart cards. (LP: #2065432)
[ Marco Trevisan (Treviño) ]
* debian/gbp.conf: Use upstream/46.x branch
* d/p: unlockDialog: Also center the time in 12h format (LP: #2084276)
* d/p: Exclude override-redirect windows from workspace animation
(LP: #2039543)
* d/p: Use absolute tray icon position in root event coordinates
(LP: #2059819)
* d/p: Fix password not re-asked for TCRYPT devices (LP: #2084281)
* d/p: Keep locate pointer animation when animations are disabled
(LP: #2039801)
* d/p: Fix keyboard navigation in AppFolderDialog (LP: #2042763)
* d/p: Fix connection to WPA Enterprise networks from quick settings
(LP: #2084286)
* d/p: Add user permissions to new wifi connections if has no system ones
(LP: #2084287)
* d/p: gdm: Actually wait for pending messages being notified on failures
(LP: #2084289)
* d/p: Fix themed icons rendering in notifications (LP: #2084301)
* d/p: Fix notifications not showing in the lockscreen (LP: #2084302)
* d/p: Allow to set a custom ShellUserVerifier (LP: #2084306)
* d/p: Fix toggling lockscreen view using Escape (LP: #2084308, #2072716)
* d/p: Make active workspace above siblings (LP: #2084310)
* d/p: notificationDaemon: Use correct property name to enable markup
(LP: #2084293)
-- Marco Trevisan (Treviño) <email address hidden> Thu, 05 Dec 2024 03:13:58 +0100
2007652 |
[SRU] PWA don't launch as applications, just another chromium window |
2065432 |
Unable to authenticate with smartcard: gnome-shell throws on unhandled promise rejection |
2084276 |
Lock screen clock not centered when using a 12 hour / AM/PM clock |
2039543 |
Miss placed Hexchat icon when switching workspaces |
2059819 |
Regression: Jammy to Noble, right clicking on some icons shows dropdown on left side of screen |
2084281 |
Unlock dialog for VeraCrypt volumes closes without error message when wrong password entered |
2039801 |
Locate pointer not working when animations are disabled |
2042763 |
Keyboard navigation doesn't work in app grid subfolders |
2084286 |
Connecting to WPA(2) Enterprise network does not work from panel network quicksetting |
2084287 |
Impossible to connect to wifi connection from quick settings if user has not enough permissions |
2084289 |
GDM Authentication error messages are not shown to the user |
2084301 |
GThemedIcon's are shown very small in notification |
2084302 |
Notifications are not shown in the lock screen despite being allowed in settings |
2084306 |
Impossible to patch gnome shell to set a custom ShellUserVerifier |
2084308 |
Lockscreen entry can't be hidden via escape |
2084310 |
Window overhang visible on wrong workspace during animation |
2084293 |
HTML markup is not properly rendered in notification body |
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.
gnome-shell (46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.5) noble; urgency=medium
* Add shell-app-Warn-instead-of-crashing-if-disposed-before-sta.patch
to avoid crashing the shell if an app misbehaves coincidentally close
to a garbage collection run (LP: #2037055)
-- Daniel van Vugt <email address hidden> Fri, 13 Sep 2024 17:09:18 +0800
2037055 |
gnome-shell crashed with SIGABRT: ERROR:../src/shell-app.c:shell_app_dispose: assertion failed: (app-\u003estate == SHELL_APP_STATE_STOPPED) |
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