
Package "systemd-container"

Name: systemd-container


systemd container/nspawn tools

Latest version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.12
Release: jammy (22.04)
Level: updates
Repository: main
Head package: systemd
Homepage: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd


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Other versions of "systemd-container" in Jammy

Repository Area Version
base main 249.11-0ubuntu3
security main 249.11-0ubuntu3.7
proposed main 249.11-0ubuntu3.15


Version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.12 2024-01-22 19:06:57 UTC

  systemd (249.11-0ubuntu3.12) jammy; urgency=medium

  * core/device: ignore DEVICE_FOUND_UDEV bit on switching root (LP: #2037281)
    File: debian/patches/lp2037281-core-device-ignore-DEVICE_FOUND_UDEV-bit-on-switching-roo.patch
  * use read-only /etc hack in more places (LP: #2035122)
    File: debian/patches/debian/UBUNTU-Support-system-image-read-only-etc.patch
  * autopkgtest: do not allow qemu to be used on ppc64el.
    Almost every run on ppc64el takes 12 to 24 hours, so do this as a last
    resort to relieve pressure on autopkgtest infrastructure.
    File: debian/tests/upstream

 -- Nick Rosbrook <email address hidden> Tue, 21 Nov 2023 15:57:17 -0500

Source diff to previous version
2037281 Shutdown when triggering daemon-reload early in boot
2035122 Under ubuntu core/core-desktop, /etc/default/locale is not modifiable

Version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.11 2023-10-25 20:13:01 UTC

  systemd (249.11-0ubuntu3.11) jammy; urgency=medium

  * wait-online: exit early if all links are ignored (LP: #2036358)
    File: debian/patches/lp2036358-wait-online-exit-early-if-all-links-are-ignored.patch

 -- Nick Rosbrook <email address hidden> Tue, 19 Sep 2023 12:57:00 -0400

Source diff to previous version
2036358 systemd wait-online now times out after jammy and lunar upgrade

Version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.10 2023-09-13 01:07:13 UTC

  systemd (249.11-0ubuntu3.10) jammy; urgency=medium

  [ Nick Rosbrook ]
  * debian/tests/tests-in-lxd: use --reuse flag in lxc publish (LP: #2023229)
    File: debian/tests/tests-in-lxd
  * pstore: only try to load efi_pstore module (LP: #2023462)
    File: debian/patches/lp1978079-efi-pstore-not-cleared-on-boot.patch
  * shutdown: get only active md arrays. (LP: #2025563)
    File: debian/patches/lp2025563-shutdown-get-only-active-md-arrays.patch
  * udev-rules: fix nvme symlink creation on namespace changes (LP: #2028180)
    File: debian/patches/lp2028180-udev-rules-fix-nvme-symlink-creation-on-namespace-changes.patch
  * core: reorder systemd arguments on reexec (LP: #2013543)
    File: debian/patches/lp2013543-core-reorder-systemd-arguments-on-reexec.patch
  * network/dhcp4: do not ignore the gateway even if the destination is in same network (LP: #2009743)
    - debian/patches/lp2009743/network-dhcp4-do-not-ignore-the-gateway-even-if-the-desti.patch
    - debian/patches/lp2009743/test-network-add-one-more-testcase-for-DHCPv4-classless-r.patch
  * Drop debian/UBUNTU-wait-online-exit-if-no-links-are-managed.patch (LP: #1982218)
    File: debian/patches/debian/UBUNTU-wait-online-exit-if-no-links-are-managed.patch
  * debian/systemd.postint: do not daemon re-exec if we could hit LP: #2013543
    File: debian/systemd.postinst
  * binfmt: fix systemd-binfmt in LXD containers (LP: #1999275)
    - debian/patches/lp1999275/binfmt-check-if-binfmt-is-mounted-before-applying-rules.patch
    - debian/patches/lp1999275/binfmt-util-also-check-if-binfmt-is-mounted-in-read-write.patch
    - debian/patches/lp1999275/binfmt-util-split-out-binfmt_mounted.patch
    - debian/patches/lp1999275/unit-check-more-specific-path-to-be-written-by-systemd-bi.patch

  [ Dan Streetman ]
  * Fix machinectl pull-tar and import-tar (LP: #1977630)
    Author: Dan Streetman
    File: debian/patches/lp1977630-fix_machinectl_pull_tar.patch
  * make machinectl read-only work (LP: #1991829)
    Author: Dan Streetman
    File: debian/patches/lp1991829-add-CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE-to-systemd-machined-so-it-ca.patch

 -- Nick Rosbrook <email address hidden> Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:11:40 -0400

Source diff to previous version
2023229 Autopkgtest failure for tests-in-lxd
2023462 chromeos_pstore.service started on non chrome platform hardware.
2025563 System can not shutdown if system has multiple VROC RAID arrays
2028180 [SRU][Ubuntu 22.04] Duplicate link for NVMe device by-id
2013543 systemctl daemon-reexec forgets running services and starts everything new
2009743 networkd: classless routes served by DHCP are created incorrectly
1982218 wait-online does not correctly identify managed links
1999275 systemd-binfmt.service fails in tests-in-lxd
1977630 machinectl pull-tar/pull-raw Operation not permitted
1991829 machinectl read-only does not work

Version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.9 2023-04-11 20:06:54 UTC

  systemd (249.11-0ubuntu3.9) jammy; urgency=medium

  * udev: gracefully handle rename failures (LP: #2002445)
    - debian/patches/lp2002445/core-device-ignore-failed-uevents.patch
    - debian/patches/lp2002445/sd-device-introduce-device_get_property_int.patch
    - debian/patches/lp2002445/sd-device-make-device_set_syspath-clear-sysname-and-sysnu.patch
    - debian/patches/lp2002445/udev-restore-syspath-and-properties-on-failure.patch

Source diff to previous version
2002445 udev NIC renaming race with mlx5_core driver

Version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.7 2023-03-07 19:07:11 UTC

  systemd (249.11-0ubuntu3.7) jammy-security; urgency=medium

  * SECURITY UPDATE: buffer overrun vulnerability in format_timespan()
    - debian/patches/CVE-2022-3821.patch: time-util: fix buffer-over-run
    - CVE-2022-3821
  * SECURITY UPDATE: information leak vulnerability in systemd-coredump
    - debian/patches/CVE-2022-4415.patch: do not allow user to access
      coredumps with changed uid/gid/capabilities
    - CVE-2022-4415

 -- Nishit Majithia <email address hidden> Thu, 02 Mar 2023 18:28:02 +0530

CVE-2022-3821 An off-by-one Error issue was discovered in Systemd in format_timespan() function of time-util.c. An attacker could supply specific values for time a
CVE-2022-4415 A vulnerability was found in systemd. This security flaw can cause a local information leak due to systemd-coredump not respecting the fs.suid_dumpab

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