
Package "cargo"

Name: cargo


Rust package manager

Latest version: 1.75.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04
Release: focal (20.04)
Level: updates
Repository: universe
Head package: rustc
Homepage: http://www.rust-lang.org/


Download "cargo"

Other versions of "cargo" in Focal

Repository Area Version
base universe 0.42.0-0ubuntu1
security universe 1.75.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04
PPA: Ubuntu Mozilla Security 1.70.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo2-0ubuntu0.20.04


Version: 1.75.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04 2024-03-05 08:06:54 UTC

  rustc (1.75.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04) focal; urgency=medium

  * Backport to Focal (LP: #2047858)
    - d/p/ubuntu-backport-disable-newer-tests.patch: add a patch to disable
      newer tests that can't pass on older Ubuntu series
    - d/p/ubuntu-jammy-skip-gdb-tests-on-armhf.patch: add a patch to
      disable gdb tests on armhf
    - Re-enable libgit2 vendoring:
      - d/control: remove libgit2-dev and libhttp-parser-dev from B-D
    - Re-enable LLVM vendoring (LLVM 17)
    - d/p/ubuntu-backport-disable-newer-tests.patch: disable tests that
      can't pass on older series
    - d/control: Comment out the Vendored-Sources-Rust support as it's not
      available in older releases
    - Downgrade debhelper requirements and adapt the build files to
      older debhelper standards
    - d/control: Use cmake-mozilla instead of cmake on Focal
    - d/p/ubuntu-llvm-riscv-disable-zicsr.patch: fix build on RISC-V

 -- Zixing Liu <email address hidden> Wed, 14 Feb 2024 15:09:28 -0700

Source diff to previous version
2047858 Upgrade Rust to 1.75.0

Version: 1.74.1+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 2024-02-29 10:06:53 UTC

  rustc (1.74.1+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1) focal; urgency=medium

  * Backport to Focal (LP: #2040340)
    - d/p/ubuntu-backport-disable-newer-tests.patch: add a patch to disable
      newer tests that can't pass on older Ubuntu series
    - Re-enable libgit2 vendoring:
      - d/control: remove libgit2-dev and libhttp-parser-dev from B-D
    - Re-enable LLVM vendoring (LLVM 17)
    - d/p/ubuntu-backport-disable-newer-tests.patch: disable tests that
      can't pass on older series
    - d/control: Comment out the Vendored-Sources-Rust support as it's not
      available in older releases
    - Downgrade debhelper requirements and adapt the build files to
      older debhelper standards

 -- Zixing Liu <email address hidden> Wed, 17 Jan 2024 13:44:02 -0700

Source diff to previous version
2040340 Upgrade Rust to 1.73.0

Version: 1.73.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 2024-02-27 11:06:54 UTC

  rustc (1.73.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1) focal; urgency=medium

  * Backport to Focal (LP: #2040340)
    - d/p/ubuntu-backport-disable-newer-tests.patch: add a patch to disable
      newer tests that can't pass on older Ubuntu series
    - Re-enable libgit2 vendoring:
      - d/control: remove libgit2-dev and libhttp-parser-dev from B-D
    - Re-enable LLVM vendoring (LLVM 17)
    - d/p/ubuntu-backport-disable-newer-tests.patch: disable tests that
      can't pass on older series
    - d/control: Comment out the Vendored-Sources-Rust support as it's not
      available in older releases
    - Downgrade debhelper requirements and adapt the build files to
      older debhelper standards
    - d/control: Use backported cmake-mozilla so that LLVM 17 can be built
    - d/p/ubuntu-jammy-skip-gdb-tests-on-armhf.patch: also disable for ppc64
    - d/p/ubuntu-llvm-riscv-disable-zicsr.patch: fix build on RISC-V

 -- Zixing Liu <email address hidden> Mon, 16 Jan 2024 16:47:11 -0700

Source diff to previous version
2040340 Upgrade Rust to 1.73.0

Version: 1.72.1+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04 2024-02-05 06:08:08 UTC

  rustc (1.72.1+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04) focal; urgency=medium

  * Backport to Jammy (LP: #2040339)
    - Re-enable libgit2 vendoring:
      - d/control: remove libgit2-dev and libhttp-parser-dev from B-D
    - d/patches: Remove libgit2 system patches
    - Use bundled LLVM 16
    - d/p/ubuntu-backport-disable-newer-tests.patch: disable tests that
      can't pass on older series
    - d/control: Comment out the Vendored-Sources-Rust support as it's not
      available in older releases
    - Downgrade debhelper requirements and adapt the build files to
      older debhelper standards

 -- Zixing Liu <email address hidden> Mon, 15 Jan 2024 16:27:11 -0700

Source diff to previous version
2040339 Upgrade Rust to 1.72.1

Version: 1.71.1+dfsg0ubuntu3~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04 2024-01-29 08:10:37 UTC

  rustc (1.71.1+dfsg0ubuntu3~bpo0-0ubuntu0.20.04) focal; urgency=medium

  * Backport to Focal (LP: #2041325)
    - d/patches: Remove libgit2 system patches
    - Use bundled LLVM 16
    - d/p/ubuntu-backport-disable-newer-tests.patch: disable tests that
      can't pass on older series
    - d/control: Comment out the Vendored-Sources-Rust support as it's not
      available in older releases
    - Downgrade debhelper requirements and adapt the build files to
      older debhelper standards
    - d/control: relax lldb requirements on older series
    - d/rules: remove build artifacts to save disk space

 -- Zixing Liu <email address hidden> Wed, 01 Nov 2023 13:40:56 -0600

2041325 Merge Debian changes into Ubuntu Rust 1.71

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