
Package "libnetplan0"

Name: libnetplan0


YAML network configuration abstraction runtime library

Latest version: 0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04.6
Release: focal (20.04)
Level: updates
Repository: main
Head package: netplan.io
Homepage: https://netplan.io/


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Other versions of "libnetplan0" in Focal

Repository Area Version
base main 0.99-0ubuntu1
security main 0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04.6


Version: 0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04.6 2024-06-28 23:07:22 UTC

  netplan.io (0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04.6) focal-security; urgency=medium

  * SECURITY REGRESSION: failure on systems without dbus
    - debian/netplan.io.postinst: Don't call the generator if no networkd
      configuration file exists. (LP: #2071333)

 -- Sudhakar Verma <email address hidden> Fri, 28 Jun 2024 22:29:34 +0530

Source diff to previous version
2071333 netplan.io causes systemctl enable to fail on systems without dbus

Version: 0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04.5 2024-06-26 18:07:06 UTC

  netplan.io (0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04.5) focal-security; urgency=medium

  * SECURITY UPDATE: weak permissions on secret files, command injection
    - d/p/lp2065738/0015-libnetplan-use-more-restrictive-file-permissions.patch:
      Use more restrictive file permissions to prevent unprivileged users to
      read sensitive data from back end files (LP: #2065738, #1987842)
    - CVE-2022-4968
    - d/p/lp2066258/0016-libnetplan-escape-control-characters.patch:
      Escape control characters in the parser and double quotes in backend files
    - d/p/lp2066258/0017-libnetplan-escape-file-paths.patch:
      Escape special characters in file paths
    - d/p/lp2066258/0018-libnetplan-escape-semicolons-in-service-units.patch:
      Escape isolated semicolons in systemd service units (LP: #2066258)
  * debian/netplan.io.postinst: Add a postinst maintainer script to call the
    generator. It's needed so the file permissions fixes will be applied
    automatically, thanks to danilogondolfo

 -- Sudhakar Verma <email address hidden> Mon, 24 Jun 2024 22:03:31 +0530

Source diff to previous version
2065738 Leaks wireguard keys
CVE-2022-4968 netplan leaks the private key of wireguard to local users. A security fix will be released soon.

Version: 0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04.4 2023-11-29 00:06:51 UTC

  netplan.io (0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04.4) focal; urgency=medium

  * Cherry-pick upstream commit fc12872 (PR#336) to fix crash in 'snapd set'
    (LP: #1959570)
  * Add autopkgtest for LP#1959570

 -- Lukas Märdian <email address hidden> Thu, 26 Oct 2023 15:59:19 +0200

Source diff to previous version
1959570 netplan crashes on UbuntuCore with the network-manager snap installed

Version: 0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04.2 2022-08-03 08:07:21 UTC

  netplan.io (0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04.2) focal; urgency=medium

  * Cherry pick d/p/dbus-Remove-the-upper-limit-on-try-timeout.patch
    (LP: #1967084)
  * Cherry-pick fix for rendering WPA3 password (8934a1b), LP: #1975576
    + d/p/0010-nm-fix-rendering-of-password-for-unknown-passthrough.patch
  * Backport offloading tristate patches (LP: #1956264)
    + d/p/0003-Add-tristate-type-for-offload-options-LP-1956264-270.patch
    + d/p/0004-tests-ethernets-fix-autopkgtest-with-alternating-def.patch
    + d/t/control: add 'ethtool' test-dep for link offloading tests

 -- Lukas Märdian <email address hidden> Wed, 29 Jun 2022 17:54:23 +0200

Source diff to previous version
1967084 netplan dbus returns \
1975576 [SRU] Connect to WPA3 failed - Secrets were required, but not provided
1956264 Cannot set offload options to false

Version: 0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04.1 2022-03-29 19:06:19 UTC

  netplan.io (0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04.1) focal; urgency=medium

  * Backport netplan.io 0.104-0ubuntu2 to 20.04 (LP: #1964481)
    - Enable 'embedded-switch-mode' setting on SmartNICs
    - Permit multiple patterns for the driver globs in match
    - Improve routing capabilities
    - Support additional link offload options for networkd
    - Handle differing 'ip6-privacy' default value for NetworkManager
    - YAML state tracking for DBus API and 'netplan try'
    - Support ConfigureWithoutCarrier ('ignore-carrier') for networkd
    - Cleanup Makefile, install only public headers
    - Netplan 'get' to use the libnetplan parser
    - libnetplan:
      + introduce the notion of NetplanState
      + use an explicit parser context
      + expose coherent generator APIs
      + improve overall error handling
      + consolidation of YAML parsing into the library
    - Restrict the symbol export to a determined public API
      + We dropped some internal symbols from the API that we know have no
        external consumers, see upstream changelog for list of dropped symbols
  * Add d/p/0003-Mute-gateway4-6-deprecation-warnings.patch:
    - Do not show a deprecation warning on the backported version
  * Add d/p/0006-cli-apply-give-some-extra-time-for-networkctl-reload.patch:
    - To support networkctl reload/reconfigure on older versions of sd-networkd
  * Add d/p/test-ethernets-stability.patch to improve autopkgtest reliability
  * Add d/p/multi-driver-match-compat.patch for match.driver backwards compat
  * Update systemd dependency to >= 245.4-4ubuntu3.8 for activation-mode
  * Update debian/gbp.conf
  * Use debhelper-compat 12 and Standards-Version 4.5.0 in debian/control
  * Keep riscv64 build-time tests disabled

 -- Lukas Märdian <email address hidden> Mon, 14 Mar 2022 12:41:44 +0100

1964481 [SRU] Update to netplan.io 0.104

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