
Package "grub2-unsigned"

Name: grub2-unsigned


This package is just an umbrella for a group of other packages, it has no description.
Description samples from packages in group:

  • GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (EFI-AMD64 version)
  • GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (EFI-AMD64 modules)
  • GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (EFI-AMD64 debug files)

Latest version: 2.06-2ubuntu14.4
Release: focal (20.04)
Level: updates
Repository: main


Other versions of "grub2-unsigned" in Focal

Repository Area Version
security main 2.06-2ubuntu14.4
proposed main 2.06-2ubuntu14.6

Packages in group

Deleted packages are displayed in grey.


Version: 2.06-2ubuntu14.4 2023-10-04 03:13:08 UTC

  grub2-unsigned (2.06-2ubuntu14.4) jammy; urgency=high

  * SECURITY UPDATE: Crafted file system images can cause out-of-bounds write
    and may leak sensitive information into the GRUB pager.
    - d/patches/ntfs-cve-fixes/fs-ntfs-Fix-an-OOB-read-when-parsing-a-volume-
      fs/ntfs: Fix an OOB read when parsing a volume label
    - d/patches/ntfs-cve-fixes/fs-ntfs-Fix-an-OOB-read-when-parsing-bs-for-
      fs/ntfs: Fix an OOB read when parsing bitmaps for index attributes
    - d/patches/ntfs-cve-fixes/fs-ntfs-Fix-an-OOB-read-when-parsing-dory-
      fs/ntfs: Fix an OOB read when parsing directory entries from resident and
      non-resident index attributes
    - d/patches/ntfs-cve-fixes/fs-ntfs-Fix-an-OOB-read-when-reading-data-fhe-
      fs/ntfs: Fix an OOB read when reading data from the resident $DATA +
    - CVE-2023-4693
  * SECURITY UPDATE: Crafted file system images can cause heap-based buffer
    overflow and may allow arbitrary code execution and secure boot bypass.
    - d/patches/ntfs-cve-fixes/fs-ntfs-Fix-an-OOB-write-when-parsing-the-
      fs/ntfs: Fix an OOB write when parsing the $ATTRIBUTE_LIST attribute for
      the $MFT file
    - d/patches/ntfs-cve-fixes/fs-ntfs-Make-code-more-readable.patch
      fs/ntfs: Make code more readable
    - CVE-2023-4692
  * efi/fdt: Apply device tree fixups directly after loading
    - add debian/patches/fdt-fixup-after-load.patch
    - LP: #2028931
  * Source package generated from src:grub2 using make -f ./debian/rules

 -- Mate Kukri <email address hidden> Mon, 02 Oct 2023 15:26:59 +0100

Source diff to previous version
2028931 device tree protocol not always applied
CVE-2023-4693 Crafted file system images can cause out-of-bounds write and may leak sensitive information into the GRUB pager
CVE-2023-4692 Crafted file system images can cause heap-based buffer overflow and may allow arbitrary code execution and secure boot bypass

Version: 2.06-2ubuntu14.2 2023-09-29 00:06:49 UTC

  grub2-unsigned (2.06-2ubuntu14.2) kinetic; urgency=medium

  * Cherry-pick more upstream memory patches (LP: #2004643)
  * Source package generated from src:grub2 using make -f ./debian/rules

 -- Julian Andres Klode <email address hidden> Mon, 20 Feb 2023 17:29:00 +0100

Source diff to previous version

Version: 2.06-2ubuntu14.1 2023-02-16 13:07:06 UTC

  grub2-unsigned (2.06-2ubuntu14.1) kinetic; urgency=medium

  * Cherry-pick all memory patches from rhboot
    - Allocate initrd > 4 GB (LP: #1842320)
    - Allocate kernels as code, not data (needed for newer firmware)
  * ubuntu: Fix casts on i386-efi target
  * Cherry-pick all the 2.12 memory management changes (LP: #1842320)
  * Allocate executables as CODE, not DATA in chainloader and arm64
  * Source package generated from src:grub2 using make -f ./debian/rules

 -- Julian Andres Klode <email address hidden> Mon, 30 Jan 2023 11:51:57 +0100

Source diff to previous version

Version: 2.06-2ubuntu14 2023-01-30 19:07:01 UTC

  grub2-unsigned (2.06-2ubuntu14) kinetic; urgency=medium

  * SECURITY UPDATE: Fix out of bounds writes due specially crafted fonts.
    - add debian/patches/font-Fix-several-integer-overflows-in-grub_font_construct.patch
    - add debian/patches/font-Fix-an-integer-underflow-in-blit_comb.patch
    - CVE-2022-2601, CVE-2022-3775
    - LP: #1996950
  * Fix various issues as a result of fuzzing, static analysis and code
    - add debian/patches/font-Reject-glyphs-exceeds-font-max_glyph_width-or-font-m.patch
    - add debian/patches/font-Fix-size-overflow-in-grub_font_get_glyph_internal.patch
    - add debian/patchces/font-Remove-grub_font_dup_glyph.patch
    - add debian/patches/font-Fix-integer-overflow-in-ensure_comb_space.patch
    - add debian/patches/font-Fix-integer-overflow-in-BMP-index.patch
    - add debian/patches/font-Fix-integer-underflow-in-binary-search-of-char-index.patch
    - add debian/patches/fbutil-Fix-integer-overflow.patch
    - add debian/patches/font-Harden-grub_font_blit_glyph-and-grub_font_blit_glyph.patch
    - add debian/patches/font-Assign-null_font-to-glyphs-in-ascii_font_glyph.patch
    - add debian/patches/normal-charset-Fix-an-integer-overflow-in-grub_unicode_ag.patch
  * Enforce verification of fonts when secure boot is enabled:
    - add debian/patches/kern-efi-sb-Enforce-verification-of-font-files.patch
  * Bundle unicode.pf2 in a squashfs memdisk attached to the signed EFI binary
    - update debian/control
    - update debian/build-efi-image
    - add debian/patches/font-Try-opening-fonts-from-the-bundled-memdisk.patch
  * Fix LP: #1997006 - add support for performing measurements to RTMRs
    - add debian/patches/commands-efi-tpm-Refine-the-status-of-log-event.patch
    - add debian/patches/commands-efi-tpm-Use-grub_strcpy-instead-of-grub_memcpy.patch
    - add debian/patches/efi-tpm-Add-EFI_CC_MEASUREMENT_PROTOCOL-support.patch
  * Fix the squashfs tests during the build
    - remove debian/patches/ubuntu-fix-reproducible-squashfs-test.patch
    - add debian/patches/tests-Explicitly-unset-SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH-before-running-f.patch
  * Bump SBAT generation:
    - update debian/sbat.ubuntu.csv.in
  * Source package generated from src:grub2 using make -f ./debian/rules

 -- Chris Coulson <email address hidden> Wed, 16 Nov 2022 14:40:42 +0000

Source diff to previous version
1997006 grub TDX enablement
CVE-2022-2601 A buffer overflow was found in grub_font_construct_glyph(). A malicious crafted pf2 font can lead to an overflow when calculating the max_glyph_size
CVE-2022-3775 When rendering certain unicode sequences, grub2's font code doesn't proper validate if the informed glyph's width and height is constrained within bi

Version: 2.04-1ubuntu47.5 2023-01-11 07:07:27 UTC

  grub2-unsigned (2.04-1ubuntu47.5) focal; urgency=medium

  [ Chris Coulson ]
  * SECURITY UPDATE: Fix out of bounds writes due specially crafted fonts.
    - add debian/patches/font-Fix-several-integer-overflows-in-grub_font_construct.patch
    - add debian/patches/font-Fix-an-integer-underflow-in-blit_comb.patch
    - CVE-2022-2601, CVE-2022-3775
    - LP: #1996950
  * Fix various issues as a result of fuzzing, static analysis and code
    - add debian/patches/font-Reject-glyphs-exceeds-font-max_glyph_width-or-font-m.patch
    - add debian/patches/font-Fix-size-overflow-in-grub_font_get_glyph_internal.patch
    - add debian/patchces/font-Remove-grub_font_dup_glyph.patch
    - add debian/patches/font-Fix-integer-overflow-in-ensure_comb_space.patch
    - add debian/patches/font-Fix-integer-overflow-in-BMP-index.patch
    - add debian/patches/font-Fix-integer-underflow-in-binary-search-of-char-index.patch
    - add debian/patches/fbutil-Fix-integer-overflow.patch
    - add debian/patches/font-Harden-grub_font_blit_glyph-and-grub_font_blit_glyph.patch
    - add debian/patches/font-Assign-null_font-to-glyphs-in-ascii_font_glyph.patch
    - add debian/patches/normal-charset-Fix-an-integer-overflow-in-grub_unicode_ag.patch
  * Forbid loading of external fonts when secure boot is enabled:
    - add debian/patches/font-Forbid-loading-of-font-files-when-secure-boot-is-ena.patch
  * Bundle unicode.pf2 in a squashfs memdisk attached to the signed EFI binary
    - update debian/control
    - update debian/build-efi-image
    - add debian/patches/font-Try-opening-fonts-from-the-bundled-memdisk.patch
  * Fix the squashfs tests during the build
    - remove debian/patches/ubuntu-fix-reproducible-squashfs-test.patch
    - add debian/patches/tests-Explicitly-unset-SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH-before-running-f.patch
  * Bump SBAT generation:
    - update debian/sbat.ubuntu.csv.in
  * Make grub-efi-{amd64,arm64} depend on grub2-common 2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.33
    in xenial and 2.02-2ubuntu8.25 in bionic to fix LP: #1995751 (thanks
    Julian Klode for the base-files hack to make a single binary be able to
    depend on 2 different versions of the same package)

  [ dann frazier ]
  * linuxefi: Invalidate i-cache before starting the kernel (LP: #1987924)
    - d/p/linuxefi-Invalidate-i-cache-before-starting-the-kern.patch

  [ Chris Coulson ]
  * Source package generated from src:grub2 using make -f ./debian/rules

 -- Chris Coulson <email address hidden> Thu, 17 Nov 2022 13:27:15 +0000

1995751 update to 2.04-1ubuntu47.4 drops zz-update-grub
1987924 GRUB may execute the kernel w/ dirty instruction cache on arm64
CVE-2022-2601 A buffer overflow was found in grub_font_construct_glyph(). A malicious crafted pf2 font can lead to an overflow when calculating the max_glyph_size
CVE-2022-3775 When rendering certain unicode sequences, grub2's font code doesn't proper validate if the informed glyph's width and height is constrained within bi

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