
Package "openssh"

Name: openssh


This package is just an umbrella for a group of other packages, it has no description.
Description samples from packages in group:

  • secure shell (SSH) client, for secure access to remote machines
  • secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines
  • secure shell (SSH) sftp server module, for SFTP access from remote machines
  • secure shell client and server (metapackage)

Latest version: *DELETED*
Release: focal (20.04)
Level: proposed
Repository: main


Other versions of "openssh" in Focal

Repository Area Version
base main 1:8.2p1-4
base universe 1:8.2p1-4
security main 1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.12
security universe 1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.12
updates main 1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.12
updates universe 1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.12

Packages in group

Deleted packages are displayed in grey.


Version: *DELETED* 2023-05-12 00:07:16 UTC
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.7 2023-04-15 01:06:55 UTC

  openssh (1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.7) focal; urgency=medium

  * d/p/lp2012298-upstream-fix-match-in-d-config.patch: Allow ssh_config.d/
    configuration files to correctly update the PasswordAuthentication setting
    (LP: #2012298)

 -- Lena Voytek <email address hidden> Mon, 03 Apr 2023 15:47:13 -0700

Source diff to previous version
2012298 PasswordAuthenticaion in sshd_config.d

Version: 1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.6 2022-09-14 17:06:20 UTC

  openssh (1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.6) focal; urgency=medium

  * d/p/fix-outdated-info-ssh-conf.patch: Fix outdated information
    (LP: #1871465)

 -- Michal Maloszewski <email address hidden> Tue, 26 Jul 2022 21:51:55 +0200

1871465 ssh_config(5) contains outdated information

Version: *DELETED* 2022-05-30 11:06:24 UTC
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.5 2022-04-13 01:06:19 UTC

  openssh (1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.5) focal; urgency=medium

  * d/p/fix-connect-timeout-overflow.patch: prevent ConnectTimeout overflow.
    (LP: #1903516)

  [ Sergio Durigan Junior ]
  * d/p/lp1966591-upstream-preserve-group-world-read-permission-on-kno.patch:
    Preserve group/world read permissions on known_hosts. (LP: #1966591)

 -- Athos Ribeiro <email address hidden> Wed, 30 Mar 2022 10:03:15 -0300

1903516 aborted (core dumped) when using ConnectTimeout \u003e 2147483
1966591 ssh-keygen -R changes known_hosts file permissions (mode)

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