
Package "containerd"

Name: containerd


daemon to control runC

Latest version: 1.7.24-0ubuntu1~20.04.1
Release: focal (20.04)
Level: proposed
Repository: main
Head package: containerd-app
Homepage: https://containerd.io


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Other versions of "containerd" in Focal

Repository Area Version
base main 1.3.3-0ubuntu2
security main 1.6.12-0ubuntu1~20.04.3
updates main 1.7.12-0ubuntu2~20.04.1


Version: 1.7.24-0ubuntu1~20.04.1 2024-12-19 22:06:45 UTC

  containerd-app (1.7.24-0ubuntu1~20.04.1) focal; urgency=medium

  * Backport version 1.7.19-0ubuntu3 from plucky to focal. (LP: #2040461)
  * New 1.7.24 upstream version. (LP: #2089704)
  * d/rules: fix path of the containerd systemd service file.
  * d/control: BuildDepends on procps. It is missing for riscv64 in focal.
  * d/p/{0001-...,0002-...}: restore the version of these patches which
    applies to 1.7.x.
  * d/rules: revert path of containerd commands

 -- Athos Ribeiro <email address hidden> Fri, 11 Oct 2024 16:36:50 -0300

Source diff to previous version
2089704 Incorrect version packaged

Version: 1.7.19-0ubuntu1~20.04.1 2024-11-21 16:06:50 UTC

  containerd-app (1.7.19-0ubuntu1~20.04.1) focal; urgency=medium

  * Backport from oracular to focal. (LP: #2040461)
    - d/rules:
      + fix path of the containerd systemd service file.
      + do not skip pkg/cri/server tests. These were being skipped due to a
        bogus entry in d/patches.
    - d/p/ftbfs-riscv-timeout.patch: increase test timeouts to avoid FTBFS
      issues in riscv64 builds.
    - d/control: BuildDepends on procps. It is missing for riscv64 in focal.
    - d/p/0002-Skip-tests-which-require-a-certain-level-of-privileg.patch:
      drop bogus entry.
    - d/copyright: remove orphan entry from copyright. The entry was added
      back in Lunar due to a vendored runc file copyright (cloned_binary.c).
      That file was later removed from runc but the d/copyright entry for it
      was only partially removed. These changes were not documented in
      d/changelog back then.
    - d/control: remove Uploaders field. It makes little to no sense in Ubuntu
      and this is a Ubuntu specific package.

Version: *DELETED* 2024-06-13 21:06:51 UTC
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 1.7.12-0ubuntu2~20.04.1 2024-05-10 00:07:01 UTC

  containerd-app (1.7.12-0ubuntu2~20.04.1) focal; urgency=medium

  * Backport version from Noble to Focal (LP: #2040460).
    - d/rules: fix containerd.service path, it is not in /usr but in /lib.

Version: *DELETED* 2023-08-04 18:07:08 UTC
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

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