
Package "oem-config-kde"

Name: oem-config-kde


KDE frontend for end-user post-OEM-install configuration

Latest version: 18.04.14
Release: bionic (18.04)
Level: base
Repository: universe
Head package: ubiquity


Download "oem-config-kde"

Other versions of "oem-config-kde" in Bionic

Repository Area Version
updates universe
PPA: Mint Upstream 24.04.3+mint16
PPA: Mint Upstream 18.04.1+linuxmint15
PPA: Mint Upstream 18.04.1+linuxmint15
PPA: Mint Upstream 20.04.15+linuxmint10
PPA: Mint Upstream 20.04.15+linuxmint13
PPA: Mint Upstream 20.04.15+linuxmint17
PPA: Mint Upstream 22.04.16+mint5
PPA: Mint Upstream 22.04.16+mint7
PPA: Mint Upstream 24.04.3+mint12


Version: 18.04.14 2018-04-26 18:07:11 UTC

  ubiquity (18.04.14) bionic; urgency=medium

  * Revert the previous upload. It didn't actually *fix* all cases, just
    papered over them. If the race was lost, the screen reader still didn't
    work in ubiquity-dm mode.
  * Move the Gio.Settings code into the constructor of the wizard. This runs
    with dropped privileges (uid = 0, euid = 999) whereas run() runs as root
    (uid = 0, euid = 0). When run as 0 / 0, dconf creates its
    XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/dconf/user database as root. We need to ensure that it
    runs in a context with dropped privileges. (LP: #1767067)

 -- Iain Lane <email address hidden> Thu, 26 Apr 2018 15:46:32 +0100

1767067 Booting to live session fails with: at-spi-bus-launcher: unable to create file '/run/user/999/dconf/user': Permission denied.

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