
Bugs fixes in "ruby-nokogiri"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
CVE CVE-2019-5477 A command injection vulnerability in Nokogiri v1.10.3 and earlier allows commands to be executed in a subprocess via Ruby's `Kernel.open` method. Pro 2019-11-05
CVE CVE-2019-5477 A command injection vulnerability in Nokogiri v1.10.3 and earlier allows commands to be executed in a subprocess via Ruby's `Kernel.open` method. Pro 2019-11-05
CVE CVE-2019-5477 A command injection vulnerability in Nokogiri v1.10.3 and earlier allows commands to be executed in a subprocess via Ruby's `Kernel.open` method. Pro 2019-11-05
CVE CVE-2019-5477 A command injection vulnerability in Nokogiri v1.10.3 and earlier allows commands to be executed in a subprocess via Ruby's `Kernel.open` method. Pro 2019-11-05
Debian 604623 libnokogiri-ruby: New upstream release - Debian Bug report logs 2011-12-21

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