
Bugs fixes in "nova"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1601854 [SRU] mitaka point releases for trove, nova, and ceilometer 2016-07-13
Launchpad 1601854 [SRU] mitaka point releases for trove, nova, and ceilometer 2016-07-13
Launchpad 1567811 nova-compute should depend on libvirt-bin.service instead of libvirtd.service 2016-04-11
Launchpad 1567811 nova-compute should depend on libvirt-bin.service instead of libvirtd.service 2016-04-11
Launchpad 1567811 nova-compute should depend on libvirt-bin.service instead of libvirtd.service 2016-04-11
Launchpad 1567811 nova-compute should depend on libvirt-bin.service instead of libvirtd.service 2016-04-11

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