
Bugs fixes in "maas-test"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1301815 maas-test is incompatible with the most recent MAAS packages (revision 2182 and up). 2014-04-09
Launchpad 1302608 Not generating bootresources.yaml yet 2014-04-09
Launchpad 1302617 maas-test only supports deploying a Trusty MAAS package and yet the possible values for --maas-series include other series 2014-04-09
Launchpad 1304448 maas-test fails because it's using 'precise' to commission nodes and MAAS can't commission nodes using precise. 2014-04-09
Launchpad 1304982 maas-test fails to boot a node (no available image). 2014-04-09
Launchpad 1301815 maas-test is incompatible with the most recent MAAS packages (revision 2182 and up). 2014-04-09
Launchpad 1302608 Not generating bootresources.yaml yet 2014-04-09
Launchpad 1302617 maas-test only supports deploying a Trusty MAAS package and yet the possible values for --maas-series include other series 2014-04-09
Launchpad 1304448 maas-test fails because it's using 'precise' to commission nodes and MAAS can't commission nodes using precise. 2014-04-09
Launchpad 1304982 maas-test fails to boot a node (no available image). 2014-04-09

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