
Bugs fixes in "libunity"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 916758 Adding an option to the Sources filter from a remote Python scope doesn't work 2012-02-03
Launchpad 828582 Dash: very high latency responding to input 2012-02-03
Launchpad 913129 Unity.Filter.renderer_name should be enum, not string 2012-01-13
Launchpad 911686 Allow lenses to control how results from scopes are merged 2012-01-13
Launchpad 900219 API in libunity to enumerate favorite apps from launcher 2012-01-13
Launchpad 879484 Can't add or remove a FilterOption after inital load 2012-01-13
Launchpad 894720 libunity 'make check' fails 2012-01-13

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