
Bugs fixes in "gp-saml-gui"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 2026771 PAGP (Palo Alto Global Protect) with SAML authentication is broken on Ubuntu desktop 2023-09-20
Launchpad 2026771 PAGP (Palo Alto Global Protect) with SAML authentication is broken on Ubuntu desktop 2023-08-16
Launchpad 2026771 PAGP (Palo Alto Global Protect) with SAML authentication is broken on Ubuntu desktop 2023-08-10
Launchpad 2026771 PAGP (Palo Alto Global Protect) with SAML authentication is broken on Ubuntu desktop 2023-07-31
Launchpad 2026771 PAGP (Palo Alto Global Protect) with SAML authentication is broken on Ubuntu desktop 2023-07-28
Launchpad 2026771 PAGP (Palo Alto Global Protect) with SAML authentication is broken on Ubuntu desktop 2023-07-28

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