
Bugs fixes in "click-apparmor"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1581097 click-apparmor does not properly calculate the policy version with 15.10 policy 2016-05-25
Launchpad 1581097 click-apparmor does not properly calculate the policy version with 15.10 policy 2016-05-18
Launchpad 1451459 click-apparmor fails to build in trusty 2015-09-30
Launchpad 1451459 click-apparmor fails to build in trusty 2015-09-23
Launchpad 1291549 Apps don't start if click packages update without version number bump 2014-03-13
Launchpad 1291549 Apps don't start if click packages update without version number bump 2014-03-13

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