
Ppa id 5, not found

PPA List

Name Title Available in
Atareao Atareao Applications from Atareao 16.04 18.04 20.04 22.04 24.04 24.10 History
Atom Official Ubuntu Atom repo History
Atom Webupd8 Atom text editor (Webupd8 ppa) 16.04 18.04 History
Brave Brave Browser 20.04 History
Brightbox Ruby NG Experimental Ruby with experimental performance enhancements 16.04 18.04 History
Canonical Kernel Team Pre-release and test kernels 16.04 18.04 20.04 22.04 24.04 24.10 History
Canonical Partner Canonical partner repository 16.04 18.04 20.04 History
Crystal Crystal lang History
Deluge-team Deluge packages 18.04 History
Dokku The smallest PaaS implementation you've ever seen 20.04 22.04 24.04 History
Dropbox Dropbox Nautilus integration 16.04 24.04 24.10 History
Firefox Aurora Mozilla Daily Firefox Aurora Channel 16.04 18.04 20.04 History
Gnome 3 Gnome 3 from the Gnome3 team 18.04 History
Google Chrome Chrome browser in Google repos History
Google Earth Google Earth History
Handbrake releases Stebbins Handbrake DVD ripping software 20.04 History
Inkscape Inkscape open-source vector graphics editor 18.04 20.04 22.04 24.04 24.10 History
Kubuntu-ppa Backports Kubuntu PPA Backports 16.04 18.04 20.04 22.04 24.10 History
Kubuntu-ppa Backports Extra Kubuntu PPA Backports Extra 22.04 History
Kubuntu-ppa Beta KDE Beta versions 22.04 History
Kubuntu Updates Kubuntu PPA updates 18.04 20.04 22.04 24.10 History
LibreOffice LibreOffice (spinoff of OpenOffice) 16.04 18.04 20.04 22.04 24.04 24.10 History
Microsoft Edge Edge Browser by Microsoft History
Mint Import Linux Mint Import Repository History
Mint Main Linux Mint Main Repository History
Mint Upstream Linux Mint Upsteam Repository History
Mozilla ESR Mozilla Firefox ESR and Thunderbird stable 16.04 18.04 20.04 22.04 24.04 24.10 History
Mozilla Packages Firefox History
Mozilla Team Firefox Next Mozilla Team Firefox Next 16.04 18.04 20.04 22.04 24.04 24.10 History
MythTV 0.28 MythTV 0.28 16.04 History
Nginx Nginx web server 16.04 18.04 History
Nginx from nginx.org Nginx from nginx.org repository 18.04 20.04 22.04 24.04 24.10 History
Node 16.x Nodejs javascript runtime 16.x 20.04 22.04 History
Node 17.x Nodejs javascript runtime 17.x 20.04 History
Node 20 Nodejs javascript runtime 20.x 20.04 22.04 History
Nodejs 10.x Nodejs javascript runtime 10.x 18.04 20.04 History
Nodejs 11.x Nodejs javascript runtime 11.x 18.04 History
Nodejs 12.x Nodejs javascript runtime 12.x 18.04 20.04 History
Nodejs 13.x Nodejs javascript runtime 13.x 18.04 20.04 History
Nodejs 14.x Nodejs javascript runtime 14.x 18.04 20.04 22.04 History
Nodejs 15.x Nodejs javascript runtime 15.x 20.04 History
Nodejs 6.x Nodejs 6.x 16.04 18.04 History
Nodejs 8.x Nodejs javascript runtime 8.x 16.04 18.04 History
Nodejs 9.x Nodejs javascript runtime 9.x 16.04 18.04 History
Opera Opera Browser History
Percona Server with XtraDB Percona Server (MySQL fork) 16.04 18.04 22.04 24.04 History
phpMyAdmin Bringing MySQL to the web 18.04 20.04 22.04 History
Postgresql Postgresql official repository History
Puppet 5 Version 5 of Puppet 16.04 18.04 20.04 History
Puppet 6 Puppet 6 18.04 20.04 22.04 History
Puppet 7 Puppet 7 20.04 22.04 24.04 History
Puppet 8 Puppet 8 22.04 24.04 History
Puppet repo Puppet 16.04 History
Signal Signal Messenger 16.04 History
SkypeForLinux Wrapper around Skype web client History
Spotify Spotify music player and streaming service History
Steam Steam History
Sublime Sublime text editor History
Sublime Text 2 Sublime Text 2 by Webupd8 18.04 History
Thunderbird Next Mozilla Team Thunderbird Next 16.04 18.04 24.04 History
Tor Tor Project repository 16.04 18.04 20.04 22.04 24.10 History
Ubuntu-desktop ppa Compiz 18.04 20.04 22.04 24.04 24.10 History
Ubuntu Mozilla Daily Builds Firefox 3.6, 3.7, Thunderbird 3 and more 16.04 18.04 20.04 22.04 24.04 24.10 History
Ubuntu Mozilla Security Security updates for Mozilla software 16.04 18.04 20.04 22.04 History
Virtualbox.org contrib Virtualbox 16.04 18.04 20.04 22.04 24.04 24.10 History
Vivaldi Vivaldi browser History
VSCode Visual Studio Code History
Webupd8 Collection of bleeding edge software including Rhythmbox 16.04 18.04 20.04 History
Webupd8 Java Oracle Java 7 16.04 18.04 History
Xbmc Xbmc team PPA 16.04 18.04 20.04 22.04 History
xorg-edgers xorg-edgers fresh X crack 16.04 18.04 History
Yarn Yarn JS package manager History

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